Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hopping robots could conserve energy

ScienceDaily (Oct. 29, 2012) ? A new study shows that jumping can be much more complicated than it might seem. In research that could extend the range of future rescue and exploration robots, scientists have found that hopping robots could dramatically reduce the amount of energy they use by adopting a unique two-part "stutter jump."

Taking a short hop before a big jump could allow spring-based "pogo-stick" robots to reduce their power consumption as much as ten-fold. The formula for the two-part jump was discovered by analyzing nearly 20,000 jumps made by a simple laboratory robot under a wide range of conditions.

"If we time things right, the robot can jump with a tenth of the power required to jump to the same height under other conditions," said Daniel Goldman, an assistant professor in the School of Physics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. "In the stutter jumps, we can move the mass at a lower frequency to get off the ground. We achieve the same takeoff velocity as a conventional jump, but it is developed over a longer period of time with much less power."

The research was reported October 26 in the journal Physical Review Letters. The work was supported by the Army Research Laboratory's MAST program, the Army Research Office, the National Science Foundation, the Burroughs Wellcome Fund and the GEM Fellowship.

Jumping is an important means of locomotion for animals, and could be important to future generations of robots. Jumping has been extensively studied in biological organisms, which use stretched tendons to store energy.

The Georgia Tech research into robot jumping began with a goal of learning how hopping robots would interact with complicated surfaces -- such as sand, granular materials or debris from a disaster. Goldman quickly realized he'd need to know more about the physics of jumping to separate the surface issues from the factors controlled by the dynamics of jumping.

Inspired by student-directed experiments on the dynamics of hopping in his nonlinear dynamics and chaos class, Goldman asked Jeffrey Aguilar, a graduate student in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, to construct the simplest jumping robot. Aguilar built a one-kilogram robot that is composed of a spring beneath a mass capable of moving up and down on a thrust rod. Aguilar used computer controls to vary the starting position of the mass on the rod, the amplitude of the motion, the pattern of movement and the frequency of movement applied by an actuator built into the robot's mass. A high-speed camera and a contact sensor measured and recorded the height of each jump.

Aguilar and Goldman then collaborated with theorists Professor Kurt Wiesenfeld and Alex Lesov, from the Georgia Tech School of Physics, to explain the results of the experiments.

The researchers expected to find that the optimal jumping frequency would be related to the resonant frequency of the spring and mass system, but that turned out not to be true. Detailed evaluation of the jumps showed that frequencies above and below the resonance provided optimal jumping -- and additional analysis revealed what the researchers called the "stutter jump."

"The preparatory hop allows the robot to time things such that it can use a lower energy to get to the same jump height," Goldman explained. "You really don't have to move the mass rapidly to get a good jump."

The amount of energy that can be stored in batteries can limit the range and duration of robotic missions, so the stutter jump could be helpful for small robots that have limited power. Optimizing the efficiency of jumping could therefore allow the robots to complete longer and more complex missions.

But because it requires longer to perform than a simple jump, the two-step jump may not be suitable for all conditions.

"If you're a small robot and you want to jump over an obstacle, you could save energy by using the stutter jump even though that would take longer," said Goldman. "But if a hazard is threatening, you may need to expend the additional energy to make a quick jump to get out of the way."

For the future, Goldman and his research team plan to study how complicated surfaces affect jumping. They are currently studying the effects of sand, and will turn to other substrates to develop a better understanding of how exploration or rescue robots can hop through them.

Goldman's past work has focused on the lessons learned from the locomotion of biological systems, so the team is also interested in what the robot can teach them about how animals jump. "What we have learned here can function as a hypothesis for biological systems, but it may not explain everything," he said.

The simple jumping robot turned out to be a useful system to study, not only because of the interesting behaviors that turned up, but also because the results were counter to what the researchers had expected.

"In physics, we often study the steady-state solution," Goldman noted. "If we wait enough time for the transient phenomena to die off, then we can study what's left. It turns out that in this system, we really care about the transients."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications. The original article was written by John Toon.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Jeffrey Aguilar, Alex Lesov, Kurt Wiesenfeld, Daniel Goldman. Lift-Off Dynamics in a Simple Jumping Robot. Physical Review Letters, 2012; 109 (17) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.174301

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Monday, October 29, 2012

Homeowner Kimberly Smith's Mortgage Loan ... - AOL Real Estate

Stone Mountain, Ga.

, resident Kimberly Smith couldn't believe her eyes when she saw how much she was saving on her mortgage under a loan modification with Bank of America. That's not to say that it was a generous amount: Her monthly payments went down by a grand total of $1.61.

"It has to be a Halloween joke," Smith told 11 Alive in Atlanta. "They have got to be kidding. ... I mean, they wasted more on postage and FedEx [sending the notification] than what I am getting as a reduction."

Smith was trying to reduce her mortgage's interest rate through the federal government's Making Home Affordable program, which determines reductions based on a fixed percentage of income. But while her modification was being processed, her income took a steep dive.

"My job was on the line, and I had to either take a pay cut or probably would not have a job," she said.

Bank of America told 11 Alive that Smith's drop in pay was factored into determining her reduction, which is why it ended up so low. But after the television story aired, the bank said it would look into a way to get Smith a more substantial reduction.

A little more than a week later, the bank came through. Smith's new loan modification dropped her interest rate from 7.87 percent to 4 percent ?- a much heftier savings of $262 a month.

"I cried. I was excited," Smith told 11 Alive after the new modification came through. "I was just happy. It was a blessing because without you all, I would not be able to get what I have now."

While this story had a happy ending, there have been a number of others involving Georgia homeowners tangling with banks that haven't come to such an amicable end. Two cases in Atlanta were particularly heart-wrenching: In one case, a woman lost her home after Bank of America foreclosed on the property, claiming she wasn't paying her mortgage. But it turned out that another institution owned the woman's loan -- which she had been current on -- and BofA falsely believed it should have been receiving her payments because of a paperwork foul-up. And another homeowner nearly lost her home after county officials placed a lien on her property and sold it to recover the debt on a tax bill that wasn't even hers.

If you're looking for help getting a loan modification, find out how to qualify, and learn how a loan mod can help you avoid foreclosure and why you should be seeking help now. For more information on loan mods, visit AOL Real Estate's Refinance Mortgage Center, and check out the federal Making Home Affordable program and the Home Affordable Modification Program.

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As I See It: Born Again Computers ? OnlyHardwareBlog

Small business start-ups have a notoriously short half-life. And non-profits are even less likely to thrive. With the ascendency of Wall Street-style greed, doing good fell out of fashion, and packing a conscience became regarded as more hindrance than help. But in an era when those most blessed by fortune have backed away from communal responsibility, it is still possible for empathy to bind with hard work and create an enterprise that is both successful and honorable.

One such enterprise not only provides a valuable service but, within its sphere of influence, is also addressing stubborn social challenges and a persistent environmental problem. The woman behind the endeavor is Lorraine Kerwood. Ostensibly, she is in the recycling business, although it can be argued that recycling has become a means to a greater end. Kerwood developed a Main Street solution to a problem that has reached global proportions: what to do with obsolete computer technology.

Hidden away in closets, basements, and garages, are piles of outdated hardware: old computers, retired printers, monitors, modems, disc drives, cables, keyboards and mice. As we all know too well, computer technology has but a fleeting usefulness. Today?s latest and greatest is supplanted by tomorrow?s must have. Even as a new system is being unboxed, a fresh generation of computers is already expanding the playing field.

When Americans finally get around to cleaning out their storage spaces, the disposal of e-waste becomes globalized. The graveyard of obsolete electronic components is not confined to the local landfill, although well over 100 million computer products are buried annually leaching poisons into groundwater. Boatloads of discards are also shipped to places governed by desperation. Accara, Ghana; Lagos, Nigeria; Delhi, India; and Guiyu, China, are the preferred dumping grounds for domestic e-waste. In these distant locations, mountains of hardware are sorted and disassembled for bits of gold, copper, lead, and other reusable materials. The workers are often children, and they toil without safety or environmental regulations. Circuit boards must be heated to free the metals, and the fumes are highly toxic. Leftover plastic is incinerated and the poisons seep into the air and water. Children suffer extremely high levels of lead poisoning, and 82 percent of the kids in Guiyu are considered clinically poisoned. Shantou University, located nearby, reports that the city ?has the highest level of cancer-causing dioxins in the world.? And that?s understated. The levels are about 5,000 percent higher than what is considered safe.

Kerwood had a better idea and, paradoxically, it was born of feeling stupid. As a child, Kerwood was not a good student. Her struggles landed her in ?special education? classes where all she learned was that others were superior and that she was not smart enough to compete. For 25 years she worked at menial jobs, until a car accident forced her to consider retraining. But that meant going back to school and she was terrified of learning to use a computer. Computers weren?t for her. That?s what ?smart people? used.

Serendipitously, at about the same time, Kerwood was diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome. Ordinarily, ?serendipitous? would be a peculiar choice of words given the circumstances. But in this instance it was accurate. For most people, such a diagnosis would be crushing, but for Kerwood it was as if the key missing piece of the puzzle suddenly dropped into place. ?It was one of the greatest moments in my life,? Kerwood recounts. ?It explained the world to me. I discovered my intelligence and capabilities. For that, I am forever grateful.?

Armed with a better understanding of herself and her condition, Kerwood enrolled at the University of Oregon and graduated Magna Cum Laude. She went to work for the Department of Child Welfare determined to help children in circumstances similar to her own. When her first computer died, she discovered an aptitude for fixing hardware. She began scavenging for used systems, refurbishing them, and gifting the computers to children and families who could not afford to buy one. It didn?t take long to discover that the demand far exceeded the supply.

What started as a workshop in her garage in 1999 moved into a warehouse in 2004 and became what is now known as NextStep. Today, Kerwood commands 35,000 square feet of space in two locations, employs 33 people and is supported by a dedicated group of volunteers. Since its inception, NextStep has recycled over 10 million pounds of electronic waste, safely and responsibly. What materials she cannot reuse, are packaged and shipped to R-2 and e-Steward certified disposal centers that use the latest technology including shredders, magnets, and optical lasers to further disassemble components and turn waste into energy and benign byproducts.

Reusable components are refurbished and assembled into functioning systems. NextStep returned nearly 30,000 renovated computers back into the community. ?With just a little refurbishing,? says Kerwood, ?a laptop?s life can be extended three or four years.? The organization gifts these computers directly to ?children and adults living in foster care, persons experiencing disabilities, family members leaving violent relationships, migrant worker families, under-funded schools, and nonprofits.? What remains is sold at extremely affordable prices.

But what Kerwood values most is the opportunity to offer training to some of the more neglected segments of her community. Based on her own experience, she understood that?because of her condition?her potential had been vastly undervalued. She became determined to honor the ?brilliance? resident in everyone. Toward that end, NextStep trains low income, disadvantaged, and at risk people. That includes people who were thought to be unemployable, and those who are underemployed or simply new to the job market. Some have physical or mental disabilities, and some come with their own support people. But no one is turned away.

The training programs are tailored to each individual?s goals and abilities. Participants can learn about the inner workings of a computer and participate in dismantling, refurbishing, and rebuilding systems. Achieving computer literacy is perhaps the most valuable component of the training. Jobs requiring information technology skills pay nearly 80 percent more than the average private sector wage. For people who previously had limited access to the benefits of technology, a laptop can become life-transforming. Computers have also proven to be friendly communication tools for autistic people who normally find social situations daunting. So, in recognition for having participated in the program, trainees are gifted a computer.

For her efforts Lorraine Kerwood has earned numerous awards and commendations, and NextStep has become a model for technology recycling both at home and abroad. Currently, she is being honored as one of L?Oreal Paris 2012 Women of Worth: ?everyday women making an extraordinary difference.?

Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore, the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, wrote: ?I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.?

Although Tagore died before Kerwood was born, I think he and Lorraine would have been great friends.



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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Before and After Pregnancy Tips | Pregnancy Week By Week

Take your iron pills. Many pregnant women will get anemia at some point during their pregnancy. Your body needs a lot of iron reserves for the birth and after when you are breastfeeding. Question your doctor early about taking an iron supplement to keep your levels high and prevent anemia in the first place.

When you are pregnant and your stomach finally starts expanding go buy yourself some comfortable maternity clothes. Your going to be pregnant for the next several months, so you might as well be comfortable. This also makes sure that you don?t have to keep buying new clothes as you endlessly expand.

Change your eating habits if you tend to stay away from healthy foods. You want to be eating foods that have a lot of vitamins and that offer a lot of nutrition. All the food you eat your baby will be eating as well. This can effect the growth of the child.

Start taking pregnancy belly pictures early. Many women like to have early pictures to compare against as the months pass. If you turn out not to want them, you don?t have to keep them, but you can?t choose later that you want to keep photographs that you never had taken.

If you get a headache when you are pregnant, make sure to stay away from aspirin. Aspirin has been proven to cause harm in both an expectant mother and baby. It is best to question your doctor what medications are safe for you to use. Also, try relieving head pressure by using a cool compress.

If you are not sure how to handle a child or a newborn, talk to the mothers that you know. Offer to babysit for them. This way you are getting some experience, and your friend is getting a well deserved break from being a mother. Just keep in mind that no two children are the same!

One of the very basic things that pregnant women should do in order to achieve a healthy pregnancy is to start changing the food habits that they have. It is very vital to have a healthy variety of foods in order to properly nourish the baby.

Start exercising for a healthy you and a healthy baby. Pregnancy is not an excuse to sit on the couch for nine months. Being active during pregnancy has been shown to reduce the risk of miscarriages and can help shorten the length of your labor. Keeping yourself active will go a long way towards having a smooth pregnancy.

Try not to wear clothing that is too tight when pregnant. This kind of clothing can really cause your fetus to not get enough oxygen and make you uncomfortable. There are maternity jeans available for pregnant women. Also, when at home, try to wear sweatpants or pajama bottoms with a loose T-shirt.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

One Man Gang (OMG) machines- Simple businesses that can be ...

Greg Morrison calls himself a ?one man gang?, working alone he has built a million-dollar business online. All from a desk in his spare bedroom with no employees, no paid traffic, no JVs, no complicated tech stuff, and and nobody telling him what to do with his time.

And he did much of that in just one run-of-the-mill small niche in the health sector. He originally picked it at random and the OMG Machine he created had such a high cash value, he just stuck with the area he was already familiar with. But there are thousands of other niches where you can build an OMG once you know how.

In OMG machines he shows how you can be a one man (or woman) gang, too, and build your own OMG machine.

In his company he builds small websites for his business. After a couple of months, they bebin to produce significant income, and then they just keep producing income for him.

In OMG machines, he shares his process and takes you through it in detail. He has packaged his information into a multi-media bundle:
? The OMG Machines e-book
? 15 videos looking over his shoulder as he leads you step-by-step

There are many ways to earn a living online. If you haven?t found one that?s right for you, check out Greg Morrison?s OMG process. You may find it suits your style and will move you forward. You can see it here:?OMG machines


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Russia's Rosneft buys out TNK-BP

FILE - In this Oct. 18, 2012 file photo, a woman walks outside the TNK-BP headquarters in Moscow, Russia. British oil company BP says it has agreed to sell its stake in its TNK-BP joint venture to Russian oil company Rosneft for US$17.1 billion in cash and a 12.84 percent stake in Rosneft. BP announced Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, that it would use some of the money to buy more shares in Rosneft to raise its stake to 19.75 percent. (AP Photo/Mikhail Metzel, File)

FILE - In this Oct. 18, 2012 file photo, a woman walks outside the TNK-BP headquarters in Moscow, Russia. British oil company BP says it has agreed to sell its stake in its TNK-BP joint venture to Russian oil company Rosneft for US$17.1 billion in cash and a 12.84 percent stake in Rosneft. BP announced Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, that it would use some of the money to buy more shares in Rosneft to raise its stake to 19.75 percent. (AP Photo/Mikhail Metzel, File)

FILE - An employee of a BP gasoline station attends to a customer in Moscow, in this file photo dated Thursday, Nov. 16, 2006. On Monday Oct. 22, 2012, British oil company BP confirmed for the first time, that it is in advanced talks about selling its stake in TNK-BP to Russia's state-controlled oil company Rosneft, in a near $30 billion deal.(AP Photo/ Mikhail Metzel, File)

FILE - In this Oct. 18, 2012 file photo, a plaque of Rosneft is seen outside its headquarters in Moscow, Russia. British oil company BP says it has agreed to sell its stake in its TNK-BP joint venture to Russian oil company Rosneft for US$17.1 billion in cash and a 12.84 percent stake in Rosneft. BP announced Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, that it would use some of the money to buy more shares in Rosneft to raise its stake to 19.75 percent. (AP Photo/Mikhail Metzel)

(AP) ? Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft strengthened its hold on the country's lucrative oil industry Monday when it sealed a $61 billion deal, buying TNK-BP, the joint venture between a group of Russian oil oligarchs, and BP, the British the energy company.

BP announced Monday that it had agreed to sell its 50 percent stake in TNK-BP to Rosneft for $17.1 billion in cash and a 12.84 percent stake in the Russian oil group.

In Moscow, Rosneft said it had also agreed to buy the other 50 percent in the joint venture from AAR for $28 billion. Rosneft said the deal with AAR is "entirely independent of the transaction with BP." The Russian oil group said it would finance the deal with its own cash as well as new borrowings.

Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin broke the news about the deal Monday afternoon to President Vladimir Putin, telling him that the deal would be worth about $61 billion.

"This is a good big deal which is important not only for Russia's energy sector but for the entire Russian economy," Putin said in remarks carried by Russian television.

Rosneft shares jumped more than 3 percent on the announcement but rolled back to its morning level of 215 rubles per share, or 1.2 percent up.

BP shares were down 0.3 percent to 449 pence following the announcement. BP said that it would use some of the money from its deal to raise its stake in Rosneft to 19.75 percent.

Russia is an important part of BP's business, accounting for a quarter of its oil production. BP Chief Executive Bob Dudley has looked to the country's vast oil resources as a key ingredient to the company's recovery from the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

The TNK-BP joint venture has been troublesome ? albeit lucrative ? for BP. The UK oil group's disputes with its partner ? in 2011, it tried to strike a separate partnership with Rosneft to explore for oil beneath the Arctic Ocean, only to be sued by AAR ? have alarmed BP's investors and hit its share price.

Dudley said in the statement on Monday that "BP intends to be a long-term investor in Rosneft - an investment which I believe will deliver value for our shareholders over the next decade and beyond."

Sechin sounded optimistic about their tie-up with BP, saying that his company "would benefit from BP's experience and its track record of implementing best international practices in Russia."

Ratings agency Fitch last week warned Rosneft of a possible rating downgrade because of the TNK-BP deal. Fitch said the Russian company should have no problems raising the money to pay for 50 percent, but said the purchase of the other 50 percent could require so much borrowing that it could lead to a downgrade.

__Barr reported from London.

Associated Press


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How To Collect Classic Gaming Consoles |

I have been collecting since the late 90?s and I often get asked by people what is the best way to get into collecting for a classic gaming console. The truth is there is no right answer, but what I am going to do today is try and give you guys some ideas on how to go about collecting game consoles and retro games.

One problem is the sheer amount of choice that there is available. Are you going to collect for every single system that has ever been released? Are you going to only collect on kind of gaming consoles lets say just Sega for example?

Collecting classic gaming consoles is best done with some thought instead of just jumping on EBay and buying whatever.

Where To Buy

When buying a classic gaming console you can either go the EBay route which does give you a little protection or the 2nd hand route. I can say that a few times here in the UK at car boot sales I have been burned buying a second hand system that has had issues, but if the price is right you have to decide if your going to take the gamble.

Know What Your Buying

Do a little research on as many gaming consoles as you can. Many sites offer great advice on consoles. Including the reliability of them which when you are game hunting in the wild is important to know. Also it will give you an idea of how much you should be willing to pay.

Things To Consider

Recently I was at a car boot sale and a guy there had an Atari 2600 jr console with a bunch of games and all the cables. The guy wanted ?25 for the lot and despite my best attempts was one of these guys who would not haggle at all. It looked a bit grubby, but I knew the 2600 jr?s were well built machines. I knew if I got this home and it did not work that I had no comeback. But a thing to consider is what does the console come with.

This one had 8 games and two controllers so even if console did not work (it did by the way) I would at least have gotten some games and a couple of controllers.

Make A List

You can download apps where you can have your game collection and a list of games that you want. Or you can just make a text message or something of games and consoles that you are looking for. This will help you buying the same game twice by accident something that I am sure most of us collectors have done at some point.

What Should I Pay?

I know this is not helpful at all, but the fact is a game is only worth as much as your are willing to pay. If you see a game out in the wild and some one is asking for lets say ?10, but you want to pay ?5 try and see if they will haggle. Or one of my favourite things to do is bundle a few things together.

Sometimes though there are those games that you are just going to have to pay up for. An example I want to give is Turtles IV for the SNES. I wanted this game so bad it is one of my favourites from my childhood, but it is very sought after. I knew the chances of me finding one while out game hunting were slim to none. So I would have to use EBay. There were many on EBay, but I did not want to pay more than ?20 for a copy. I soon realised that this was never going to happen and I ended up paying around ?30.

What Should I Collect

For me what I tell most new collectors especially if there only way of collecting is lets say EBay. Is to pick one console to start off with. Lets say pick the Sega Master System and make a list of around five games that you really want. Now focus your time and money on getting these. Once you have these decide one a new console, but if you see a good deal then add to your Master System collection as well.

Final Verdict

Truth is there is no right way to go about collecting. Some people live in areas where there is no retro 2nd hand market at all and are forced to use EBay. Others will only buy from car boot sales and other 2nd hand places and do it as much for the thrill of the hunt as for there own collections. Above all else collecting retro game consoles should be fun.


Example of a collection by an avid classic video console collector

Image courtesy of Wikipedia

Related posts:

  1. The 1980s Milton Bradley Vectrex Arcade System Console

  2. The Intellivision Games Console

  3. The History of Atari: The Gaming Giant of the 70?s and 80?s

  4. Valve Talks about Virtual Reality Gaming

  5. Five Life Lessons that Online Gaming Can Teach You


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Saturday, October 20, 2012

New award for green solutions today |

Arnold Schwarzenegger presenting the Sustainia Award 2012 in Copenhagen. Image: Soren Malmose, Sustainia.

What if everything the world needed for sustainable societies is already available? Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced a new global award on Friday aimed at proving just that: most of what societies need for productive, eco-friendly lives exist today and are accessible.

At a ceremony attended by more than 1,000 guests at Copenhagen?s Royal Theater, Mr Schwarzenegger presented the first annual Sustainia Award to British Azuri Technologies for its Indigo solar energy system targeted at remote communities in developing countries.

He congratulated the winner ? a spin-off from United Kingdom-based Eight19 solar technology firm ? for ?proving to the sceptics and the naysayers that solutions already exist to meet the challenges our planet?s environment is facing?.

?This award is about more than making the world sustainable ? it?s also about improving the communities where we live,? he said.

The Indigo system makes solar energy affordable to off-grid communities, who have no access to a central electricity source, and eliminates the need for expensive up-front investments in solar equipment and electrical hook-ups.

Users pay for the system over an 18-month period by purchasing scratch cards such those used to top-up mobile phones worldwide. One scratch card provides enough solar energy to power two LED lights and a mobile phone charger for a week, and costs about half of what residents would otherwise spend on fuel for polluting kerosene lamps.

The 6,000 families in Kenya, Malawi, Zambia and South Sudan who already have the Indigo system, which uses thin-film solar technology first developed at Cambridge University, can expand it at the end of its pay-off period to get more power.

?We are thrilled to be the first winner of Sustainia Award. This award and the remarkable work associated with it will raise awareness of our technology and the great impact the solar panels have for people, whose only alternative is smoke-filled unhealthy kerosene,? said Azuri chief executive Simon Bransfield-Garth in a statement.

Over the next year, Sustainia and its partners will help the winner promote widespread adoption of the solution through investor match-making, media outreach and appearances at international conferences.

The winner also has the right to use the title ?Nobel Sustainability supported Clean Tech company 2012?, a label granted only to those chosen by the charitable funding group Nobel Sustainability Trust of Nobel Peace Prize fame.

Founded by Danish think-tank Monday Morning, Sustainia is a global alliance of non-government organizations and corporate partners who have committed to accelerating solutions to sustainability problems.

Members include the UN Global Compact, Nobel Sustainability Trust, Arnold Schwarzenegger?s initiative Regions20, and multinationals such as Microsoft, GE, DNV, Philips Lighting, DONG Energy, Novo Nordisk, Tetra Pak, Cisco, Knoll, IKEA, Vestas, and UBS Investment Bank.

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Each year, Sustainia showcases 100 solutions chosen by the Sustainia secretariat from online public recommendations. Sustainia staff, partners and consultants shortlist the top 10 solutions as nominees for the annual award, which is chosen by an award committee.

This year?s award committee included Honorary Chair Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Norway Prime Minister and former Director-General of the World Health Organization Gro Harlem Brundtland, UN Climate Panel chair Dr Rajendra Pachauri, European Commissioner of Climate Action Connie Hedegaard, and Nobel Sustainability Trust chairman Gustaf Nobel.

The current Sustainia100 includes solutions, which can be products, services or ideas, from 56 countries across the categories of buildings, food, fashion, transportation, IT, education, energy, health, cities and resources.

To make the list, solutions must be ready and available, scaleable, collaborative, transformative, cost effective, have a positive environmental impact, and increase quality of life.

One innovation out of the United Arab Emirates, for example, uses protective films in agricultural fields to reduce water demand by 50 to 90 per cent. It also increases yields in arid environments and reduces the need for fertilizers by up to 80 per cent over normal growing conditions.

The South Korean city of Seoul was nominated for its Design Seoul initiative to put the needs and input of citizens first in its urban design. The city set up a call centre so that citizens could share ideas and concerns about improving the environment, culture, liveability and public health. It has also transformed formerly grid-locked roads in its downtown area into usable community space.

Sustainia executive director Laura Storm told Eco-Business in an e-mail interview that existing, successful solutions such as these are what will transform societies, and therefore existing solutions are exactly what needs to be communicated.

?It is key to reach a critical mass of good examples that prove to industries and sectors that sustainable innovation is both available and competitive compared to traditional knowhow,? she said, adding that Sustainia has created an alliance of global partners to inform industries, executives, decision makers and ordinary citizens about the alternatives already available.

Mr Schwarzenegger said in a statement that the diversity of the 100 nominees showed that sustainable solutions are happening right now across different industries and regions of world.

?These solutions are transforming our homes, reshaping our cities, and bringing new ideas to entire communities. By sharing what is already working and pushing for new innovations, we will ensure sustainable growth and job growth at the same time,? he added.

This story was sponsored by Philips Lighting.

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Chain Message

Chain Message

A Private Roleplay between nariko11, rhen.shiawase and Kurumi_Ryuusaki.


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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

US August Business Inventories Rise 0.6%; Retail Up 0.6 - ForexLive

?Total Business Inventories Excluding Retail Auto Up 0.5%
?Retail Inventories Ex Auto Rise 0.2%; Retail Categories Mixed
?Business Sales Rose 0.5% In August, Inventory/Sales Ratio Unch At 1.28

By Kevin Kastner

WASHINGTON (MNI) ? The value of business inventories rose 0.6% to
another record high level in August, with retail inventories up 0.6% to
add to similar inventory gains at the factory and wholesale levels
already announced, data released Monday morning by the Commerce
Department showed.

Analysts in an MNI survey had expected total business inventories
to rise 0.5%. Factory inventories were already reported up 0.6% in the
month, while wholesale inventories rose 0.5%.

Overall business inventories would have been up 0.5% in August if a
surge in retail motor vehicle inventories was excluded, an MNI
calculation showed.

Retail motor vehicle and parts inventories rose 1.5%, despite a
1.8% sales rise that month. The remaining retail inventories categories
combined for a 0.2% increase in August.

Outside of motor vehicles, there were retail inventory gains in the
building materials, furniture, and clothing categories. Food and
beverage store inventories fell 0.1%, while general merchandise store
inventories fell 0.1%, with department store inventories down 0.5%.
Sales at department stores were flat in the month.

An MNI calculation of retail inventories not included in the
published categories shows a 0.4% rise in August after a 0.6% increase
in the previous month.

Business sales rose 0.5% in August, with retail sales excluding
food services up 1.3% in the month. Wholesale sales were already
reported up 0.9%, but manufacturing shipments, which are equal to sales
in this report, fell 0.3%.

Business sales were up from a year ago, 3.2% ahead of their August
2011 level before seasonal adjustment and up 3.1% after seasonal

At the same time, August business inventories were 5.2% above their
year-ago levels before seasonal adjustment and up 5.3% after seasonal

As a result of the comparable gains in business inventories and
sales in August, the inventory-to-sales ratio held steady at 1.28 in the
month. The August ratio was still above the 1.26 ratio in August 2011.
Before seasonal adjustment, the ratio was 1.22 in August, down from 1.31
in July, but up from 1.20 in August 2011.

** MNI Washington Bureau: 202-371-2121 **



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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Stephan Bonnar: ?People aren?t expecting much out of me?

At UFC 153 this weekend, Stephan Bonnar will get a chance to shock the world. Well, the portion of the world who cares about MMA, anyway. If he manages a win against Anderson Silva, the world's best fighter, he will pull off the biggest upset in MMA history. Heck, it will be a surprise if he lasts all three rounds against Silva.

In Bonnar's eyes, this puts him in a great position. No one thinks he will win, so he can't lose.

"People aren't expecting much out of me. It's like, no stress. No pressure. It's really a good place to be," Bonnar said. "It doesn't matter if I'm the undercard or the main event, and I'm going to try to steal the show."


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Monday, October 8, 2012

Chinese telecom firms seen as security threat

By Jim Wolf , Reuters

WASHINGTON - U.S. telecommunications operators should not do business with China's top telecom gear makers because potential Chinese state influence on the companies poses a security threat, the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee said in a report on Monday.

The report follows an 11-month investigation by the committee into Huawei Technologies Co Ltd and ZTE Corp. The companies have been fighting an uphill battle to overcome U.S. lawmakers' suspicions and expand in the United States after becoming key players in the worldwide market.

The House Intelligence Committee's concerns are bound to set back the companies' U.S. prospects and may also lead to strains in ties between the United States and China, the world's two biggest economies.

Committee Chairman Rogers, at a press conference to release the report, said the panel was stopping short of urging a U.S. boycott of mobile phones and other handheld devices made by Huawei and ZTE.

The panel's warning pertains only to devices that involve processing of data on a large scale, Rogers said in reply to a question.

Employee-owned Huawei is the world's second-biggest maker of routers, switches and other telecommunications equipment after Sweden's Ericsson. ZTE ranks fifth.

The committee warning comes as Huawei considers a possible initial public offering, sources said, as part of an effort to overcome suspicions that have all but blocked its U.S. efforts, including business tie-ins.

Huawei spokesman William Plummer rejected the committee's allegations in a statement emailed to Reuters.

"Baseless suggestions otherwise or purporting that Huawei is somehow uniquely vulnerable to cyber mischief ignore technical and commercial realities, recklessly threaten American jobs and innovation, do nothing to protect national security, and should be exposed as dangerous political distractions from legitimate public-private initiatives to address what are global and industry-wide cyber challenges," he said.

For its part, ZTE released a copy of a letter it sent to the committee last month, stating it "profoundly disagrees" with allegations that it is directed or controlled by the Chinese government.

"ZTE should not be a focus of this investigation to the exclusion of the much larger Western vendors," it said.

ZTE's Hong Kong-listed shares fell as much as 3.4 percent early on Monday.

It was not immediately clear whether the committee warning would curb mobile phone sales that Huawei and ZTE do with customers such as Verizon and Sprint.

The panel's report faulted both companies for failing to fully satisfy the committee's requests for documents to allay its security concerns, including detailed information about formal relationships or regulatory interaction with Chinese authorities.

U.S. companies weighing purchases from Huawei should "find another vendor if you care about your intellectual property; if you care about your consumers' privacy and you care about the national security of the United States of America," Rogers said in comments broadcast Sunday night on the CBS News program "60 Minutes."

'Credible allegations'
The panel said it had received credible allegations from unnamed current and former Huawei employees suggesting Huawei may be guilty of bribery and corruption, discriminatory behavior and copyright infringement.

Such allegations will be referred to the Justice Department and Department of Homeland Security for investigation, the panel said.

"U.S. network providers and system developers are strongly encouraged to seek other vendors for their projects," it said.

It cited what it called long-term security risks supposedly linked with the companies' equipment and services. It did not provide any hard evidence to back up its concerns, at least not in the unclassified version of the report.

A classified annex provides "significantly more information adding to the committee's concerns," the report said. "The information cannot be shared publicly without risking U.S. national security."

Based on classified and unclassified information, Huawei and ZTE, which are both based in Shenzhen, China, "cannot be trusted to be free of foreign state influence and thus pose a security threat to the United States and to our systems," it said.

Huawei and ZTE are rapidly becoming "dominant global players" in the telecommunications market, the report said. It noted that telecoms are intertwined with computerized controls for electric power grids; banking and finance systems; gas, oil and water systems and rail and shipping.

ZTE's US telecom infrastructure equipment sales last year were less than $30 million.

In contrast, two of the larger Western vendors alone had combined U.S. sales that topped $14 billion, ZTE told the committee, an apparent reference to Espoo, Finland-based Nokia Siemens Networks NOKI.UL and Paris-based Alcatel Lucent.

"It seems self-evident that the universe of companies examined by the Committee is so small as to omit most of the equipment actually employed in the U.S. telecom infrastructure system," ZTE said in a September 25 letter to the panel.

'Means, opportunity, motive'
Huawei and ZTE may not be the only companies that present a risk to U.S. infrastructure, the committee's report said, but they are the two largest Chinese-founded, Chinese-owned companies seeking to market critical network equipment in the United States. Beijing has the "means, opportunity and motive" to use them to its own ends, it added.

Top executives of both told a committee hearing on September 13 that their companies would never bow to a hypothetical Chinese government effort to exploit their products for espionage, saying such a move would be corporate suicide.

"Huawei has not and will not jeopardize our global commercial success nor the integrity of our customers' networks for any third party, government or otherwise," senior vice president Charles Ding testified at the time.

The committee is calling on an interagency government group that reviews national security implications of foreign investments to block acquisitions, takeovers or mergers involving Huawei and ZTE.

In addition, it said Congress should give thorough consideration to legislation seeking to expand the role of the interagency group, known as the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States, to include purchasing agreements.

U.S. intelligence officials have publicly denounced China as the world's most active perpetrator of economic espionage against the United States.

Huawei has marketed its network equipment in the United States since last year. It has sold to a range of small- to medium-sized carriers nationwide, particularly in rural areas. It has marketed mobile phones through a broader range of U.S. carriers for the last four years.

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Family in Shock after Home Invasion, One Injured

ROCKFORD (WIFR) -- One Stateline family is still in shock after they say two masked and armed men burst into their home and started firing on Friday evening.

Melissa Lewis says the worst part of the home invasion was that a seven year old boy was in the room when gunfire broke out. Fortunately, the boy wasn't injured. Police say there are differing accounts of what happened last night at the home at 3026 9th Street. Investigators say a 22 year old male entered through a back door and was followed by two suspects. A fight broke out and one of the suspects fired his gun, hitting the victim in the leg and arm. Both suspects fled with an unknown amount of cash. Lewis says the victim is a friend of another family member, and after this, she's going to be extra careful about who she lets inside her house.

"Well before August this year, I didn't have any problems. Then people had people coming over and it?s like, ?No, it?s not going to happen, you need to stop,? I already have lights around my porch and no trespassing signs,? says Lewis.

No one else was hurt during the home invasion. Lewis thinks this may have been a drug deal gone wrong.

Police say they're looking for two men. The first suspect is described as black or biracial male, 26 years old, 5'10", heavy set, with short hair and last seen wearing a bandana across his face and black hoody and armed with black handgun. The second man is described as a white male, 21 years old, 5'10", heavy set, last seen wearing bandana across his face and a black hoody and armed with silver handgun.


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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How Chinese hackers broke into the White House

instead relying on recycled claims already made by private plaintiffs." ? JPMorgan Spokesman Joseph Evangelisti in a statement after the New York attorney general's office has hit JPMorgan Chase & Co. with a civil lawsuit, alleging that investment bank Bear Stearns perpetrated massive fraud in deals involving billions in residential mortgage-backed securities.


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Monday, October 1, 2012

Police say Lindsay Lohan harassed in NYC hotel

Kristina Bumphrey / AP file

By Shimon Prokupecz, WNBC

Updated 7:18 p.m. ET:?Lindsay Lohan told police she was assaulted in her Manhattan hotel room early Sunday morning by a man she met at a night club, police sources said.

According to law enforcement officials, Lohan told police she got into an argument with a 25-year-old man she brought to her room after meeting him 1 Oak in Chelsea.

The argument was allegedly over photos the man took of Lohan on his cell phone while they were in her 15th floor room at the W Hotel near Union Square with some of Lohan's friends.

Police have identified the man as Christian LaBella, of California.

Lohan told detectives that at around 4:30 a.m. she saw photos of her on LaBella's phone, confronted him about the them and took his phone. LaBella then threw her on the bed causing scratches on her hands, police sources said.

Lohan ran out of the room and down the stairs of the hotel, but at some point decided to head back upstairs to her room. ?When LaBella saw her again, Lohan told police he attacked her, choking her, throwing her to the ground, and climbing on top of her.

A friend Lohan's who was with her at the time was able to pull LaBella off her, and Lohan then pulled the fire alarm for help. LaBella took off down the stairs, but police arrived before he was able to leave the hotel and took him into custody.

Lohan refused medical attention and did not go to a hospital.

LaBella was initially charged Sunday afternoon with assault and harassment, but after further investigation police dropped the assault charge. LaBella has since filed a harassment complaint against Lohan.

According to his YouTube page, LaBella ran for president of his business fraternity at the University of San Diego and was a child actor. In police paperwork, LaBella listed his employer as Illinois Congressman John Shimkus.

?While no one from Congressman Shimkus? office has been contacted by Mr. LaBella following his arrest, he has been an employee in the Congressman?s Washington office," a spokesman for Rep. Shimkus said in a statement Sunday. "Obviously, the Congressman does not condone his actions. ?As this is a legal matter for Mr. LaBella, the Congressman nor his office will make further comment.?

The alleged assault comes as yet more drama for the "Liz & Dick" star.

Earlier this month, she was arrested and charged with leaving the scene of an accident after allegedly clipping a pedestrian with a borrowed Porsche outside a Chelsea club in New York City.

And last Sunday she was rushed to a New York City emergency room for a respiratory problem. The actress suffered complications due to asthma.

Lohan also remains on probation for a 2011 case in which she pleaded no contest to taking a $2,500 necklace without permission from an L.A jewelry store. Lohan no longer has to report to a judge --she completed a counseling and morgue cleanup duty program -- but she could face jail time if she is charged with another crime.

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