Monday, December 31, 2012

Israel eases Gaza blockade allowing a shipment of gravel for private construction for 1st time since 2007 - @Reuters

GAZA | Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:42am EST

GAZA (Reuters) - Israel eased its blockade of Gaza on Sunday, allowing a shipment of gravel for private construction into the Palestinian territory for the first time since Hamas seized control in 2007.

A Palestinian official with knowledge of an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire that ended eight days of fighting last month between Israel and Gaza militants said the move had been expected as part of the deal.

"This is the first time gravel has been allowed into Gaza for the Palestinian private sector since the blockade," said Raed Fattouh, the Palestinian official overseeing the shipment of 20 truckloads of the material.

Israel tightened the blockade after Hamas, an Islamist group that refuses to recognize the Jewish state, took power five years ago. But under international pressure, Israel began to ease the restrictions in 2010 and has allowed international aid agencies to import construction material.

The gravel was transferred a day after Egypt allowed building material into Gaza through its Rafah crossing, departing from a six-year ban. It was part of a shipment donated by the Gulf Arab state of Qatar, which has pledged $400 million to finance reconstruction.

Gaza economists say nearly 70 percent of the enclave's commercial needs - including building material and fuel - were being met through shipments via Israel and a network of smuggling tunnels running under the Egyptian border.

One Palestinian official said Israeli counterparts had promised "other building items" would be allowed into Gaza in the coming days.

"Israel has promised to ease the blockade more if the truce continues to hold," said the official, who asked not to be identified.

Israeli Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom, speaking to reporters in Jerusalem, said more than 300 truckloads of goods have been moving from Israel to the Gaza Strip on a daily basis.

"They can have much more if they would like to," he said.

(Editing by Jeffrey Heller and Angus MacSwan)


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Boston College's Jerry York earns 925th win, becomes all-time winningest NCAA hockey coach

Boston College defeated Alabama-Huntsville 5-2 on Saturday night, and the win gave head coach Jerry York his 925th for his career. York is now the all-time winningest college hockey head coach.

As expected, No.1-ranked Boston College had no issues in their 5-2 win over Alabama-Huntsville on Saturday, in the first game of the 2012 Mariucci Classic. The big news from the game is that the win gave legendary Boston College head coach Jerry York his 925th for his career.

Win No. 925 pushed York to the top of the all-time winningest coaches in NCAA hockey. York surpassed Ron Mason, who coached the majority of his college career at Michigan State.

York mentioned how he never strived for personal goals, but always measured himself by the amount of championships he could win. He also deflected credit for this achievement by saying it's his players who helped his success:

"Coaches coach and play to win trophies," commented York. "Maybe when I sit down on some porch in 10 years thinking about it, but I have always been about team. I have never really sought individual goals. Starting with Dave Taylor back at Clarkson, Rob Blake at Bowling Green, and a whole bunch of guys at BC."

In the quest for win No. 925, Boston College got out to an early 3-0 lead over Alabama-Huntsville in the first period. Cam Spiro put Boston College on the board just three minutes in the game with a backhanded tap-in goal which came off a rebound. The goal was Spiro's first of his career.

Then just past the midway point of the first period, Bill Arnold put Boston College up 2-0 as he skated around a defender and had an easy goal due as the Alabama-Huntsville goalie was on the ice after committing early on the play.

Danny Linell made it 3-0 just over a minute later, and that lead proved to be enough for Boston College to get the win. The other two goals scored by Boston College were courtesy of Brendan Silk and Steven Whitney.

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Wikimedia Foundation Raises $25M In Donations Over 9 Days

Image (1) wikimedia_logo.png for post 10602Wikimedia Foundation announced today that it raised $25 million from more than 1.2 million donors during its 2012 fundraiser, which ran on English-language Wikipedia in five countries (the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand) for nine full days, a decrease in time from Wikipedia's 2011 fundraiser, which was 46 days and raised $20 million. Another donation drive will be launched in April.


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South Africa: Mandela released from the hospital

JOHANNESBURG (AP) ? Former South African President Nelson Mandela was released Wednesday from the hospital after being treated for a lung infection and having gallstones removed, a government spokesman said.

The 94-year-old anti-apartheid icon will continue to receive medical care at home.

Mandela had been in the hospital since Dec. 8. In recent days, officials have said he was improving and in good spirits, but doctors have taken extraordinary care with his health because of his age.

Mandela was released Wednesday evening and will receive "home-based high care" at his residence in the Johannesburg neighborhood of Houghton until he fully recovers, said presidential spokesman Mac Maharaj.

"We thank the public and the media for the good wishes and for according Madiba and the family the necessary privacy," said Maharaj in a statement, using Mandela's clan name, a term of affection. The statement requested that Mandela's privacy continue to be respected "in order to allow for the best possible conditions for full recovery."

David Phetoe, a resident of the Johannesburg township of Soweto, reacted with joy when he heard that Mandela was no longer in a hospital.

"It's not always the case, when people offer great expectations, that those expectations are fulfilled," he said. "In this case, we say in the same tone, in the Christmas mood and in the Christmas season, let him stick around for a while!"

Mandela is revered around the world as a symbol of sacrifice and reconciliation, his legacy forged in the fight against apartheid, the system of white minority rule that imprisoned him for 27 years.

The Nobel laureate served one five-year term as president after South Africa's first democratic elections in 1994. Although the country today struggles with poverty and inequality, Mandela is widely credited with helping to avert race-driven chaos as South Africa emerged from apartheid.

South African President Jacob Zuma was among those who joined Mandela's wife, Graca Machel, and other family members in wishing a Merry Christmas to Mandela at his hospital bedside in Pretoria, the South African capital.

"I think he is an icon of hope and we are very excited" that Mandela is out of the hospital, said Sipho Sibiko, a Soweto resident. "I personally know that he is one of the people that inspired me. He inspires a lot of people and we are excited that he has been released. We wish him many more joyous years and good health."


Thomas Phakane contributed to this report.


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Living with Migraines - Hive Health Media

I have been living with migraines for the last forty years. They started in my teens and I have spent many pretty horrific days literally writhing in pain in my lifetime. The doctors are pretty much in the dark still about what causes migraines outside of a few theories they have come up with. Different kinds of foods, the weather, stress, medications, sleeping too much, not sleeping enough, hormones gone wild and so on.

migraine Living with Migraines

When I was a teen and first went to the doctor about my headaches they did a few tests which seem barbaric compared to the tests they have today. One test they gave me was a brain wave test of some sort which they inserted needles under the skin on my scalp to perform. Can I just say ouch? Not a fun test. The other one was not better and even more painful. They shot dye into my bloodstream and x-rayed my brain. They put my head into what looked like a car crusher to hold it still so that they could watch the dye go through. When the dye reached my brain the burning was so intense that the tears literally squirted out of my eyes while I lie there with my head in a vice. Sounds almost like a torture chamber doesn?t it?

The first thing they told me was that they thought I had some rare form of stomach epilepsy because I was getting severely nauseated and then passing out. I do not know to this day what in the world they were talking about but I was a teenager. The doctors began by giving me medicines like Motrin, Naproxen which helped with inflammation and tried many beta-blockers. Nothing helped much and even the pain medications they gave me generally just made me sicker. Generally I would end up in the emergency room several times a year for a migraine that lasted more than two days accompanied by vomiting which intensified everything.

migraine 2 Living with Migraines

Migraines are a bit of a vicious circle. When you get one you need to get quiet, lay down, and turn off all the lights. If you take pain pills and sleep they can intensify because of the pain pills and the extra sleep but if you don?t lie down and take a pain pill you can not even walk around because of the pain. There is also the nausea that kicks in from the pain I presume. The pain pills do not take them away but they ease the pain, until your body decides enough is enough and the headaches increase because of the pills. You think if you eat something it will help but often times you are not sure what to eat. In my case I knew chocolate was definitely out, along with coffee, sometimes onions too and on and on. The doctors were giving me caffeine pills to help but telling me to stay away from caffeine. Ice packs helped me but sometimes made it worse, I couldn?t even think about heating pads which some people said may help! Then the ice pack ended up burning my face because it was in one place too long as I only got headaches on the right side around my eye and temple area. They usually branched out to other places if I had them too long because I was staying in the same position too long or I was super stressed out because I was so sick. I could go on and on but you get the picture. What a nightmare.

To top all of this off you had a limited selections of neurologists you could talk to. Most knew nothing whatsoever about migraines because they did not study migraines, they only knew neurology which covered a vast amount of territory but usually left out headaches unless you had a brain tumor. Some doctors did not want to fool around with migraine sufferers because they did not know what caused them and quite frankly many doctors had never experienced them and thought that what we had was just a headache and we were cry babies that only wanted drugs. I personally experienced a doctor that was convinced I was addicted to pain pills and refused to give me any and at that time I was on an HMO and he was the only one in my network back then. Ugh. I am as far removed from an addict of pain pills as you can get. I hate them, most make me sick. I just wanted the headaches to go away.

Not only did I suffer with doctors who were unkind but I spent my life dealing with bosses that did not have a clue what a migraine was. I worked for a large corporation and frequently had new managers or supervisors and they all responded differently. My favorites were the ones that would look at me with a sneer and say, ?You have a headache and you need to go home?? At this particular time in my life I attribute most of the migraines to hormones since they seemed to show up about once a month about that same time. I have often wished in my struggle with people understanding migraines that I could simply touch them so that they could get a few moments of the pain I was feeling. Not out of meanness but just so that they would not judge so harshly what they do not understand. I do know that there are people running around out there saying they have migraines when they have a headache who have absolutely no idea what it is to have a migraine. So they do not help the case of a real migraine sufferer much to the unbelievers.

migraine 3 Living with Migraines

Well, I finally found a neurologist that studied migraines and had all kinds of different things to try. They even did a psychological study on you when you went in to see if you needed anti-depressants or what not. They also offered bio-feedback which was a way they could monitor how you reacted to different situations that may trigger stress related migraines or something like that. I didn?t bio-feedback too well so they quit that one. Another thing they tried was Botox injections in my forehead which caused some pain and no results. I tried all the preventative medications they could come up with and generally ended up on their table getting a pain and anti-nausea injection before it was all done. Suffering and shots seemed to be the answer.

The first time I ever experienced real relief was in the 90?s when the doctor told me about Imitrex shots. They were not covered by insurance and they were like $40 a piece if my memory serves. I remember trying to scrape the money together because I had two young children at the time and not a lot of money. I had to try something. Well, I am not a shot person but they came in the push button form and you did not see the needle if you didn?t want to. For the first thirty plus minutes the nausea was awful and my whole body burned like fire. Then the headache was gone with a left over burning sensation and all over weakness. But I was absolutely thrilled the headache was gone! I would much rather lie in the bed weak with a burning sensation than with all that awful pain.

It is funny;and I use the term funny loosely, what a person will do to get rid of pain. I could take the nausea over the pain in my head because I knew it was short term. It took what seemed like forever for the insurance to acknowledge that people needed this medication and to cover it. It was a step up in medication but not so much help financially.

The greatest help in my life to date for migraines has been the Imitrex pills which I was given access to a while later. They did not make me nearly as nauseated but did take a little longer to work. But I knew they were going to work if I would just take it easy for about thirty minutes or so and I decided to trade in my shots for the pills. The best day was when insurance decided it was necessary, which in the beginning had to be done by letters from your doctor giving them your diagnosis and expressing your great need. It had to be a specialist too. A lot of work went into getting those pills covered by insurance!

migraine 4 Living with Migraines

And then finally in the last few years they have come out with generic sumatriptan which is even more affordable! I at last can manage my headaches but it comes with much practice. There are still times that I miss the signs or take a little too long to take the medicine and end up suffering more than I should. I have tried a few of the other new medicines they have for migraines but still I stick with this one for now because I know it works for me the majority of the time. I hear there is something new out there on the horizon but I am cautious about switching from tried and true.

If you have what you think may be migraines you owe it to yourself to go to a neurologist but keep in mind while you are looking that they need to have done a little study in this area or they may sneer at you even today. There are so many different kinds of migraines and it is important to diagnose them correctly and get on the right medication for you. I have met people that say sumatriptan does nothing for them. So it may not work for you but I am so thankful it does work for me. Keep trying until you find the medication that works best for you. There is no reason to suffer for two or three days and end up in the emergency room any longer now that there are viable treatments in play today.


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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Telescope-toting balloon lifts off from Antarctica

A giant helium balloon is slowly drifting above Antarctica, about 22 miles (36 kilometers) up. Launched on Tuesday from the National Science Foundation's Long Duration Balloon facility on Earth's southernmost continent, it carries a sensitive telescope that measures submillimeter light waves from stellar nurseries in our Milky Way.

"Christmas launch!" officials with NASA's Wallops Flight Facility, which oversees the agency's balloon research program, wrote in a Twitter update on Tuesday. "BLAST launched today from McMurdo Station, Antarctica."

This is the fifth and final mission for BLAST, short for the Balloon-borne Large-Aperture Submillimeter Telescope, and mission designers hope it will reveal why so few stars are born in our galaxy.

On Dec. 12, BLAST was still in one of the two giant Payload Assembly Buildings at the Long Duration Balloon facility, a short distance from the U.S. research center McMurdo Station. Principal investigator Mark Devlin of the University of Pennsylvania and a group of graduate students were mounting a giant sunshade on the telescope, to ensure that the ultra-cold detectors won't heat up during the flight.

"The detectors are cooled to 0.3 degrees above absolute zero, using liquid helium," said Devlin. "If they were any warmer, they wouldn't be able to register the faint submillimeter radiation of cold interstellar dust clouds at just 30 degrees above absolute zero."

Star mystery
After test flights in 2003 in New Mexico and in 2005 in Sweden, BLAST's third flight, in 2006 from Antarctica, was a "mind-boggling" success, Devlin said. The instrument revealed beyond doubt that in the most distant galaxies, new stars were being born at a prolific rate. By measuring the star formation rate in galaxies more than 7 billion light-years away, the researchers determined that over half of the stars in the universe were born within the first 5 billion years after the Big Bang.

"But there's an unsolved problem," added co-principal investigator Barth Netterfield of the University of Toronto, who was assisting the BLAST team with the launch preparations. "BLAST found lots of so-called dark cores in our own Milky Way ? dense clouds of cold dust that are supposed to be stars-in-the-making. Based on the number of dark cores, you would expect our galaxy to spawn dozens of new stars each year on average. Yet, the galactic star formation rate is only some four solar masses per year."

So why is the stellar birth rate in our Milky Way so low? Astronomers can think of two ways in which a dense cloud of dust is prevented from further contracting into a star: turbulence in the dust, or the collapse-impeding effects of magnetic fields. On its new mission, BLAST should find out which process is to blame. [Images: Life at Antarctica's Concordia Station]

The idea is straightforward: Magnetic fields tend to bring electrically charged, elongated dust particles into alignment. If dust particles have a preferred orientation, they will slightly polarize the submillimeter radiation from the cloud. Using polarimeters, BLAST can detect if the radiation is indeed polarized, and if it is, determine the direction of the magnetic field. "If there's no polarization present," said Netterfield, "turbulence must be the reason" why so few dark cores collapse into new stars.

Final mission?
In 2010, on its fourth mission, BLAST was already equipped with polarimeters. However, according to Devlin, "that flight did not do so well because of a melted filter. We have some data, but we know we can do better."

Luckily, repeating a balloon-borne experiment is much easier and much cheaper than re-launching a scientific satellite. After each flight, most of the payload is recovered and can be used again. The BLAST camera has been recovered every single time.

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      Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: SpaceX's prototype Grasshopper rocket takes one giant leap, rising to a 12-story height and settling back down safely with a dummy cowboy riding along.

    2. Updated 109 minutes ago 12/26/2012 7:25:07 PM +00:00 Last full moon of 2012 rises Friday
    3. Telescope-toting balloon lifts off from Antarctica
    4. 'Star of Wonder' leaves lots to wonder about

BLAST's fifth flight will probably last between 12 and 14 days. While Devlin, Netterfield and their colleagues are celebrating Christmas and New Year's Eve, the 4,000-pound (1,800-kilogram) stratospheric telescope will observe selected star-forming regions in the constellations Vela and Lupus.

And if senior graduate student Tristan Matthews of Northwestern University Illinois has his way, this may not be BLAST's final mission after all. Depending on the results and the recovery success of the current flight, Matthews hopes to fly BLAST in its present configuration for a sixth time, in the Arctic. "That would give us access to a well-studied and nearby star-forming region in Taurus," he said.

Meanwhile, Devlin has received a $5 million grant from NASA over a period of five years to develop a larger version of BLAST, with a 2.5-meter mirror, compared with the current 1.8-meter aperture. That would vastly increase the number of stellar nurseries that could be studied. "We could fly SuperBLAST in 2016 or so," he said.

Dutch astronomy writer Govert Schilling visited McMurdo Station and the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station as a selected member of the U.S. National Science Foundation's 2012/2013 media visit program. Follow on Twitter @Spacedotcom. We're also onFacebook and Google+.

? 2012 All rights reserved. More from


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From juvenile hall: a Christmas to remember

A Christian Science perspective.

By Hal Shrewsbury / December 24, 2012

Once while I was making my Saturday visit to a juvenile hall in California as a Christian Science chaplain, a girl in my Bible class, whom we will call Alice, gave me a Christmas I will always remember.

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I had explained how Jesus? words, which Mary Baker Eddy quotes at the beginning of her chapter on ?Prayer? in her book ?Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,? work in answering prayer. ?Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them? (Mark 11:24) and ?your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him? (Matthew 6:8).

I asked the class to close their eyes and believe ?real hard? that they were ?out of here,? which is what most ask for in their prayers. Opening our eyes and finding us still in the hall, I explained that Jesus? promise obviously does not mean moving us ?out of here? physically, but our prayers could be answered by our expressing the God-like love and freedom we associate with being at home and with our family. ?Out of here? is actually a symbol of God?s love for us and should not be a condition for answered prayer; we?d just proved we were still separated from that? material symbol.

However, since God?s love, like gravity, is everywhere, all the time for everyone, these teens needed to understand that the qualities they associated with ?out of here? could be found right where they were by expressing what they love about their family and homes. We then talked about how each could express the love and friendship they miss in the hall that week and tell me how the prayer of being what they love is answered the next week.

When I asked Alice how her prayer was working, she told me (in colorful words) that prayer wasn?t working for her because the hall had refused to let her go home to Los Angeles for Christmas as she had requested. Somewhat taken aback by her angry but honest response, I decided to look past her words to see how I could help her. We had studied the parable of the sower previously, and I asked Alice if she was going to be the rock from which the word of God in time of temptation falls away or be the good ground, which with a good heart brings forth fruit (of the word) with patience? She agreed to be the good ground for one more week, and I told her to look patiently for the things she loved about her family right there in the hall that week.

The next Saturday, a beaming Alice told me she?d received letters from her mother, her sister, and a friend that week. Christmas being the next day, and chances of her going home remote, I told her she would have to be the things she loved about her mother, her sister, and her friend to all the girls in the unit, because she could never be separated from the qualities of God she is expressing.

The next Saturday, I found a radiant Alice joyfully reporting she?d had a wonderful Christmas right in the hall and furthermore, had she gone home, she would still believe God lives in Los Angeles rather than knowing He lives wherever she is.

Still in awe of this experience on so many levels, I was reminded that God does know what things we need and answers our prayers for our need rather than our want. Alice experienced the true Christmas, the birth of the Christ, Emmanuel, ?God with us,? by believing and expressing the love she was praying for.

I?ll never forget that Christmas, and my prayer is that everyone will find a Christmas to remember every day as they express the Christly love of Jesus right where they are. I love the words to Hymn No. 170 in the ?Christian Science Hymnal?:

Keep while ye need it, brothers mine,
With honest zeal your Christmas sign,
But judge not him who every morn
Feels in his heart the Lord Christ born?
?????????????????? (John Greenleaf Whittier).

Have a very merry Christmas to remember!


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Thursday, December 20, 2012

First of eight funerals begins at Newtown church

NEWTOWN, Conn. (AP) ? Family members have gathered for the first of eight funerals for school shooting victims to be held at a Catholic church in Newtown, Conn.

A motorcade of dozens of vehicles led by police motorcycles accompanied the family of 6-year-old James Mattioli to St. Rose of Lima on Tuesday. His funeral comes a day after two other 6-year-old boys were laid in the first of a long, almost unbearable procession of funerals.

Margarita Rosniak and her 10-year-old daughter, Charlotte, watched from the sidewalk as people entered the church. They had traveled from California for a Christmas vacation in New York and came to Newtown to join the residents in their grief.

Clutching her daughter close, Margarita Rosniak spoke of sympathizing with the parents. Her daughter says she plans to do a school project on the massacre. She asks, "What was the point of it? They're just little kids."

Gunman Adam Lanza shot his mother Friday, then headed to Sandy Hook Elementary where he killed 20 children and six adults, and himself.


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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

AT&T 4G LTE launches in several new cities

Android Central

In the run up to the holidays, it seems AT&T is wasting no time expanding its 4G LTE coverage -- we've counted at least thirteen in the past few weeks. Today brings the news that the carrier's LTE network has just been lit up in four new cities:

  • Melbourne, Fla.
  • Green Bay, Wis.
  • Oxford, Miss.
  • Springfield, Mass.
  • Tucson, Ariz.

In addition, Phoenix and Los Angeles are seeing expanded coverage. If you're seeing AT&T 4G LTE reception for the first time today, be sure to shout out in the comments.


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YouTube launches Capture iOS app for smartphone shooting straight to the web (video)

YouTube launches Capture iOS app for smartphone shooting straight to the web video

You might want to file this under the "why didn't we have this in 2010" category, but Google just announced a new app that'll let you fire off that smartphone camcorder and boot your videos straight to the YouTubes Curiously, the appropriately named YouTube Capture app is only available for iPhone and iPod touch at the moment -- an Android version is set to launch "in the future" -- and it should be hitting the App Store sometime today. You can shoot video directly from within the new tool, then add a caption, select to send links to Google+, Facebook or Twitter, and hit Share to upload it directly to YouTube. You can also select from private, unlisted or public sharing options, depending on your intended audience. That's about it -- a very straightforward addition to Google's app portfolio. You can see it in action just past the break.

Continue reading YouTube launches Capture iOS app for smartphone shooting straight to the web (video)

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Source: YouTube, Google Blog


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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Health & Fitness: Acupuncture, Qi, & The Meridians | Uncategorized |

Acupuncture is known to have been around helping humanity in all sorts of ways for a whopping 4000+ years. Since its humble origins, somewhere in China, those many years ago it has risen to now be heralded as the leading alternative health care remedy for a whopping array of medical abnormalities. From being able to help us overcome diabetes, smoking and all other forms of addiction, arthritis and tendinitis related pains, autoimmune disorders, organ complications and even stress and depression just but to invoke a few of the many more other equally debilitating medical conditions out there, acupuncture will holistically benefit all of us immensely.


Diseases Cured By Acupuncture

Since the very dawn of time, this remedy from China has been enabling us to get on with our normal lives in so many pleasant and delightful means and ways. According to its founding tenets, acupuncture is a self-healing endearing that works by manipulating our vital Qi energy to stay in a continuous sate of motion to confer us radiant health. The school of thought engulfing this particular act argues that our bodies are one and the same thing with our universe. What happens in our immediate environment and within our systems and in our minds too, plays an integral role in shaping our health and wellness.


The TCM pros go ahead and add that, there is a form of mystical energy referred to as the Qi, which is solely responsible for our states of being. This energy will be found flowing in the so-called meridian lines and of which we also know, there happens to be around 14 of them. This 14 meridians transverse and cut across and along our bodies making sure they sufficiently serve al of our vital organs, themin, the liver, the kidney and what have you.


A Holistic Health Approach?!

In stark contrast to the western based ideologies which advocate for treating the symptoms associated with the malfunction of this organs, acupuncture, on the other hand, tries to go after the root source of our symptoms. You have to come on board the fact that also insinuates that, if the liver is failing or any other organ, then the problem is not entirely in this named organ but it is most likely that it is somewhere else. Using this mindset, the?acupuncture seattle therapy will be able to not only treat the ?visibly? unwell organ but any other far distant organ that is malfunctioning also. This is where the name ?holistic approach to health? arose from, for your information and general knowledge. See this link acupuncture fertility boston.

Rejuvenate & Re-inspire Yourself Once More!

The best and the easiest way to think about it is, acupuncture will heal you and also revitalize and rejuvenate the functioning of all your body organs a;; at the same time. Judging from the rate at which people are embracing this eastern healing practice it would be prudent to assert that is indeed does work. If it were a sham then no one in their right state of mind would look at up to it to save them from having to undergo and bear with all sorts of debilitating medical conditions we are currently getting relief from with it.


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'Gusty winds' in space turbulence: First direct measurement of its kind in the lab

Dec. 17, 2012 ? Imagine riding in an airplane as the plane is jolted back and forth by gusts of wind that you can't prove exist but are there nonetheless.

Similar turbulence exists in space, and a research team led by the University of Iowa reports to have directly measured it for the first time in the laboratory.

"Turbulence is not restricted to environments here on Earth, but also arises pervasively throughout the solar system and beyond, driving chaotic motions in the ionized gas, or plasma, that fills the universe," says Gregory Howes, assistant professor of physics and astronomy at the UI and lead author of the paper to be published Dec. 17 in the online edition of Physical Review Letters, the journal of the American Physical Society. "It is thought to play a key role in heating the atmosphere of the sun, the solar corona, to temperatures of a million degrees Celsius, nearly a thousand times hotter than the surface of the sun."

He adds: "Turbulence also regulates the formation of the stars throughout the galaxy, determines the radiation emitted from the super massive black hole at the center of our galaxy and mediates the effects that space weather has on the Earth."

One well-known source of gusty space winds are the violent emissions of charged particles from the sun, known as coronal mass ejections. These solar-powered winds can adversely affect satellite communications, air travel and the electric power grid. On the positive side, solar storms also can also lead to mesmerizing auroras at the north and south poles on Earth.

Howes notes that unlike gusts of wind on the surface of Earth, turbulent motions in space and astrophysical systems are governed by Alfven waves, which are traveling disturbances of the plasma and magnetic field. Nonlinear interactions between Alfven waves traveling up and down the magnetic field -- such as two magnetic waves colliding to create a third wave -- are a fundamental building block of plasma turbulence, and modern theories of astrophysical turbulence are based on this underlying concept, he says. "We have presented the first experimental measurement in a laboratory plasma of the nonlinear interaction between counter-propagating Alfven waves, the fundamental building block of astrophysical turbulence," Howes says.

Contributing authors on the paper are D.J. Drake, K.D. Nielson, Craig Kletzing, and Fred Skiff, all of the University of Iowa, and T.A. Carter of the University of California, Los Angeles. The research, conducted at the Large Plasma Device at UCLA, was funded by a grant from the NSF/DOE Partnership in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Iowa. The original article was written by Gary Galluzzo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. G. G. Howes, D. J. Drake, K. D. Nielson, T. A. Carter, C. A. Kletzing, F. Skiff. Toward Astrophysical Turbulence in the Laboratory. Physical Review Letters, December 17, 2012 [link]

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Friday, December 14, 2012

Does lack of interest in relationships equate to immaturity? - Love ...

There's different aspects of "maturity". I'm sure you're well ahead of them in terms of "making good decisions" where they're way ahead in "forming relationships" (not necessarily in maintaining them!)

So sorta' yes, sorta' no. Don't worry about it. They'll do doubt criticize you for not doing the same thing as the rest of the herd... just be you and do what you want to do - you'll likely be much happier for doing so!
[Threepwood:] ...that a sequel can never truly be as good as the original? -- [LeChuck:] Lies! Filthy, dirty, LIES!!!


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Ex-soldier sentenced in NYC to 18 months in prison

NEW YORK (AP) ? An ex-Army soldier who shipped two grenades back to the U.S. from his service in Iraq and then took them from Fort Bragg, N.C., to his home in New York City has been sentenced to 18 months in prison.

Anthony Cibelli pleaded guilty in September to transporting the grenades without a license. He was sentenced Thursday.

The 25-year-old Cibelli was discharged from the Army in 2010.

Authorities searched his Bronx home last December. They say they found two grenades on the roof outside his bedroom window plus four guns, two improvised explosive devices and ammunition.

Cibelli told officers he'd stashed the items in a container he shipped from Iraq to Fort Bragg. Prosecutor Preet Bharara (buh-RAHR'-uh) says Cibelli put himself and others in his neighborhood at risk.


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Tips to Prevent Holiday Excess | Healthy Meal Planning | MealEasy

December 13 2012

By MealEasy in Holiday, Planning Tips | Tags Holiday, Party

Attending lots of holiday parties this season?
Here are some tips to prevent overeating this time of year:

Drink WaterThe holidays bring to mind parties and large, festive meals full of delicious food. It can be easy to overeat during the holiday season, but there are ways to avoid overindulging while still enjoying yourself. Changing certain eating habits can make a big difference in calorie consumption without dampening the holiday spirit.

Step 1

Have a plan to avoid overindulging in holiday goodies. Bring healthy, low-calorie snacks like fruit to work to avoid snacking on high-fat snacks that coworkers bring in. If you fill up on low-calorie foods, you are less likely to overeat or eat large portions of high-calorie foods. Before attending a party where you know food (and fatty food, especially) will be in abundance, eat some nutritious snacks.

Step 2

Drink a glass of water before a holiday party or meal; this will help you feel full and reduce overeating. Drinking water throughout the day will also help keep you feeling full, making it less likely you will reach for excess goodies. Keeping a water bottle nearby is a good reminder to keep drinking water. And while at the party, instead of drinking soda or eggnog, ask for a glass of water. Sip on it constantly throughout the party so your stomach is always slightly full. In addition, it will save you the extra calories since carbonated beverages like soda and holiday drinks like eggnog are full of empty calories.

Step 3

Choose moderate portions of only the foods you like best during a meal, and only eat dessert if it is one you really like. Do not worry about hurting anyone?s feelings if you do not eat her food; if you really feel bad about not eating something; place a small portion of it on your plate. Reach for a small sized plate for your potluck or buffet dinner. By filling up the smaller plate, you will feel as if you are eating much more than you actually are.

Step 4

Eat slowly during meals. It takes time for your body to signal that it is full, and eating too quickly can lead to overeating. Being mindful of what you are eating allows you to slow down and savor the food. The slower you eat, the more time your brain has to trigger the feeling of being full. You can easily overeat if you eat an entire plate of food in just a few minutes. If you take 30 minutes or longer to eat the same amount of food, your brain will signal the full reflex before you have a chance to overeat.

Step 5

Don?t skip meals.? As tempting as it can be to skip a meal or two before the large Christmas meal, this is a bad idea. Waiting to eat will trigger the starving reflex in your body, causing you to want to overeat. If you eat healthy, regular meals throughout the day, you are much less likely to overeat at the Christmas meal. Snacks throughout the day, such as vegetables and healthy nuts, will also help prevent overeating at mealtime.

Step 6

Focus on the reason for the gathering. Start up conversations with loved ones or friends and take the time to be present and engaged. The holidays are all about sharing good times with others; taking the focus off the food can discourage eating when you are not really hungry anymore.



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Thursday, December 13, 2012

U.S. federal agency to test RIM's BlackBerry 10

TORONTO (Reuters) - Research In Motion said a U.S. federal agency, which recently outlined plans to move away from BlackBerry in favor of Apple Inc's iPhone, is now set to begin testing RIM's new BlackBerry 10 platform and devices.

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE), will early next year begin a pilot program on RIM's new line of BlackBerry 10 smartphones and BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 (BES 10), which allows corporations and government users to run the new devices on their networks, a RIM spokeswoman said late on Wednesday.

The news, which comes just as shares of the embattled company rallied to their highest close in seven months, signals that RIM's BlackBerry 10 platform is gaining some traction ahead of its official launch next month.

RIM, a one-time pioneer in the smartphone industry, has lost market share in recent years to the iPhone and devices powered by Google Inc's market-leading Android operating system, even among the business audience who once used BlackBerry devices exclusively.

Waterloo, Ontario-based RIM is now seeking to persuade both corporations and government users to stick with its smartphones, which have long been valued for their strong security features. It promises that its new line of devices, which will be powered by the BlackBerry 10 operating system, will be both smoother and faster than previous BlackBerry phones.

RIM is betting that these new devices - to be launched on January 30 - will revive its fortunes. But that may well depend to a large extent on the response from enterprise customers, many of whom have recently begun to flee to rival platforms.

ICE is one such example. The agency, in October, announced plans to end a long relationship with RIM, stating that its now aging line-up of BlackBerry devices could "no longer meet the mobile technology needs of the agency.

At the time, ICE outlined intentions to buy iPhones for more than 17,600 employees. It is not immediately clear whether the agency plans to revisit this plan or whether its intends to use RIM's new BES 10 platform to manage both iPhones and BlackBerry devices. A spokeswoman for the agency was not immediately able to comment on the pilot program or the agency's plans.


The news comes soon after yet another rally in RIM shares on Wednesday, after Eric Jackson - a long-time bear on RIM's stock - penned an opinion piece on his now bullish stance on the company.

Jackson, the founder of Ironfire Capital, in his piece, said parallels drawn by some analysts between RIM and its now-defunct rival Palm are flawed, as Palm never had the kind of installed subscriber base that RIM enjoys.

In his article, published on Wednesday on the, Jackson contends that RIM's new BlackBerry 10 devices have much better odds of success than Palm's Pre device, which failed to capture a following despite positive reviews on the device and its operating system.

Jackson, who was short RIM's stock for an extended period, argues that the positive sentiment building in RIM's stock ahead of the launch of the make-or-break line of devices is unlikely to dissipate in a hurry, as a large portion of RIM's 80 million subscribers are likely to upgrade to BB10 when the new devices are launched. Jackson said he now has a long position in RIM.

Shares in the company rose 5.6 percent to close at $13.31 on the Nasdaq - their highest close since May 1. Its Toronto-listed shares rose 5.8 percent to close at C$13.14.

The stock has more than doubled in price since September 24, when the shares were trading slightly above the $6 level in both New York and Toronto. The wave of optimism around BB10 has in recent weeks been bolstered by a number of analyst upgrades on the stock.

(Editing by Dan Grebler and Muralikumar Anantharaman)


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Broadway faces potential holiday labor headache

NEW YORK (AP) ? The union representing hundreds of Broadway theater cleaners, porters, elevator operators and bathroom attendants voted Wednesday to authorize its leaders to call a strike if a new contract isn't approved by the end of the month, potentially throwing a wrench into a busy holiday season.

Members of the 250-person 32BJ union voted during a noisy rally on the street outside the Times Square offices of the Broadway League, which represents producers and theater owners. They stood in the cold and heard speakers blast Bob Marley's "Get Up, Stand Up," ''Family Affair" by Sly & The Family Stone and Jay-Z's "Empire State of Mind."

Any strike would affect workers at 32 of Broadway's 40 theaters where the 32BJ has a contract, meaning all the Shubert, Nederlander and Jujamcyn-owned theaters, as well as the Circle in the Square Theatre. The eight other Broadway theaters have different arrangements.

The 32BJ contract expires Dec. 30, and workers are seeking pay increases and better health care benefits. The next bargaining session is scheduled for Friday and another is set for Dec. 18. A representative from the Coalition of Broadway Unions and Guilds was present to back 32BJ.

Jessica Vargas, a cleaner at the Lunt-Fontaine Theatre and a member of the union's bargaining committee, said that her fellow workers make about $17 an hour and that she hopes to get a $1.50 per hour increase. Other cleaners in the city, she noted, make about $25 an hour.

"We want to be equal with all cleaners all across New York City. We get paid the lowest on Broadway," Vargas said. If there is a strike, she said, "it's going to be tough on Broadway. It's going to be rough on the city. If we go on strike, the city goes on strike."

Many of the people who do Broadway's most unglamorous work ? hauling equipment, running the elevators, tidying bathrooms and sweeping the theaters ? must work for as much as 10 weeks before their health coverage kicks in. The union wants that coverage to start when employees begin work, among other demands.

"We need health coverage for every week that a worker works," said Shirley Aldenol, vice president of the union. "We're here to fight to make sure that our theater cleaners get treated fairly and with respect."

The Broadway League, in a conciliatory statement, said it has had several days of "productive negotiations" with the union and looks forward to reaching "a mutually beneficial agreement."

This being Broadway, there was a little razzle-dazzle amid the car honks and whistles at the rally. Three stilt walkers from the Bread and Puppet Theater troupe towered above the crowd; two women dressed as cleaners in white smocks and feather dusters tried to tidy up the barricades while being berated by a man on stilts with a top hat, a fake mustache and a cigar, presumably representing theater owners.

The last major strike on Broadway was in late 2007, when a 19-day walkout dimmed the lights at more than two dozen shows and cost producers and the city millions of dollars in lost revenue.

Many speakers at the rally pointed out that the health of Broadway is good, with shows yielding a record $1.14 billion in grosses last season, and total attendance reaching a new high at 12.3 million.

"What attracts people? Well, it's a great experience that they have. That is because of our actors, it's because of our musicians and of course it's because of the people behind the scenes ? our cleaners, our porters, our elevator operators, our matrons," said New York City Council member Dan Garodnick.

The 32BJ, an affiliate of the Service Employees International Union, has more than 120,000 members, concentrated in the Northeast. It represents janitors, property maintenance workers, doormen, security officers, window cleaners and food service workers.




Broadway League:


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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Australian DJs apologize for royal hoax call

SYDNEY (AP) ? They say they expected a hang-up and a few laughs. Instead, the Australian DJs behind a hoax phone call to the London hospital where the pregnant Duchess of Cambridge was being treated were deeply apologetic Monday as they described how their joke ended up going too far.

The phone call ? in which they impersonated Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles ? went through, and their station broadcast and even trumpeted the confidential information received. Whatever pride there had been over the hoax was obliterated by worldwide public outrage after Friday's death of Jacintha Saldanha, the first nurse they talked to.

"There's not a minute that goes by that we don't think about her family and what they must be going through," 2DayFM radio host Mel Greig told Australia's "A Current Affair," her voice shaking. "And the thought that we may have played a part in that is gut-wrenching."

Police have not disclosed the cause of Saldanha's death, but many have assumed it was related to the stress from the call. An autopsy is being held Tuesday.

Prime Minister David Cameron said at a luncheon Monday that "the suicide of this nurse, who worked incredibly hard and obviously was incredibly dedicated ... is an absolute tragedy."

His office later said Cameron's comment was not an official acknowledgment that the death was a suicide.

Greig and co-host Michael Christian spoke publicly about the prank for the first time in the televised interview. Another interview on rival show "Today Tonight" also aired Monday.

The hoax has sparked broad outrage, with the hosts receiving death threats and demands they be fired.

The radio station's owner said Greig and Christian were receiving psychological counseling to deal with the tragedy. A British lawmaker said he wished that much was being done for Saldanha's grieving family.

"They are devastated by what has happened," said Labour legislator Keith Vaz, who has visited Saldanha's husband and two children at their home in Bristol, southwest England.

"They want the facts to be established so that they can effectively grieve," Vaz said. "What is needed, clearly, is an inquiry by the hospital into how this tragic case happened."

Both DJs apologized for the hoax and cried when asked about the moment they learned that the Saldanha was dead. But neither described having reservations before the hoax tape was broadcast; they said higher-ups at the station had made the decision to air it.

"We didn't have that discussion," Greig said.

Southern Cross Austereo, the parent company of 2DayFM, released a statement Monday saying that Greig and Christian's show had been terminated and there would be a company-wide suspension of prank calls. The DJs themselves remain suspended.

Saldanha, 46, had transferred their call last week to a fellow nurse caring for the duchess, who was being treated for acute morning sickness at King Edward VII Hospital in London. That nurse said the former Kate Middleton "hasn't had any retching with me and she's been sleeping on and off."

Three days later, Saldanha was found dead at the hospital's nurses' accommodation.

The DJs said when the idea for the call came up in a team meeting, no one expected that they would actually be put through to the duchess' ward.

"We just assumed we'd get cut off at every single point and that'd be it," Christian said.

"The joke 100 percent was on us," he said. "The idea was never, 'Let's call up and get through to Kate,' or 'Let's speak to a nurse.' The joke was our accents are horrible, they don't sound anything like who they're intended to be."

Southern Cross Austereo CEO Rhys Holleran has called Saldanha's death a tragedy but defended the prank as a standard part of radio culture. He has also insisted the station had not broken any laws. He told Fairfax Radio on Monday that his station had tried at least five times to contact the London hospital to discuss the prank before it aired, but never succeeded.

When asked why the company made the attempts, Holleran replied "because we did want to speak with them about it." When pressed as to whether this meant the station had reservations about the pre-recorded prank, Holleran said only, "I think that that's a process that we follow and we have checks and balances on all those things."

The King Edward VII Hospital denied that its management had been contacted by the radio station.

"Following the hoax call, the radio station did not speak to anyone in the hospital's senior management or anyone at the company that handles our media inquiries," the hospital said in a statement.

It also announced a memorial fund to help support the nurse's family, with the hospital making the first donation.

Saldanha's children and husband, Ben Barboza, on Monday visited the hospital, which said it was offering assistance to the family.

Barboza expressed his sadness on his Facebook page with a short note "Obituary Jacintha."

"I am devastated with the tragic loss of my beloved wife Jacintha in tragic circumstances," he wrote. He said she will be laid to rest in Shirva, India.

Meanwhile, there were indications that the Duchess of Cambridge still struggled with acute morning sickness over the weekend when her husband, Prince William, cancelled a Sunday night engagement.

Palace officials said no final decision had been made on whether Kate would attend Wednesday's British premiere of "The Hobbit," where she and William are to be the guests of honor.


Associated Press writers Jill Lawless, Gregory Katz and Danica Kirka in London contributed to this report.


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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Climate study: Snow sports and related economy in danger

Click photo to enlarge

A climate study shows a dim future for ski resorts and related businesses.

Snow sports will be all but extinct by the end of this century if the changes occurring in the planet's climate are not stopped or at least slowed.

That is the conclusion reached in a report released from researchers at the University of New Hampshire and discussed Thursday by teleconference. The damage to the $12.2 billion ski and snowmobile and related businesses could be catastrophic, the report's authors and representatives from industry and environmental organizations said.

The full report is available online at

Researchers Elizabeth Burakowski and Matthew Magnusson were joined in the conference by Auden Schendler, vice president of sustainability with Aspen Ski Company, and by Antonia Herzog, assistant director for the Climate and Clean Air Program of the Natural Resources Defense Council. The report was sponsored in part by the National Resources Defense Council and Protect Our Winters, both non-profit organizations.

Reporters from winter sports-related publications and news organizations from some of the 38 states where winter sports provide jobs and taxes joined in on a question-and-answer session after the presenters made their remarks.

In a nutshell, the winter sports industry is dependent on heavy, predictable snowfall, presenters said, and that condition has become sporadic in recent years. All the scientific data available indicates that the situation will get worse.

Hanging in the balance are about 212,000 jobs, and about $1.4 billion

in state and local taxes over the next decade alone, Burakowski said.

Affected are jobs in resorts, lodging, restaurants, gas stations, bars and more.

"Last year's snow cover was the third lowest since 1966," she said. "This last ski season, half of the ski resorts opened late and 48 percent closed early. Some areas saw nearly a 40 percent decrease in revenues. Any way we look at it, it's a significant economic impact."

Schendler's opening words were blunt.

"The winter sports industry has always known that the changes they have been seeing over the past years were because of climate change. This report only puts numbers to what they already knew. Now, the industry needs to get up off it's a** and move," he said. "They need to be getting to Washington, they need to make public statements and write op-ed pieces."

They also need to get the millions of passionate winter sports fans educated and active to push for better stewardship of the environment, he said. "They need to get their heads out of the snow before it melts around them," said Herzog. "The good news is there are federal laws and regulations in place that can help with the biggest polluters, the coal-fired power plants. They are the big kahuna in this problem. Because of regulations already out there, President Obama has the authority to take action "

A reporter from the Washington Times wanted to know if the cost of the environmental protections would be a good bargain.

"A few percentage points of increased costs can easily be offset by increased efficiency," said Schendler. "The cost of climatic disaster, comparatively, is wildly disproportionate."


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Friday, December 7, 2012

One Ring To Rule Them All

I am currently thinking of rereading the lord of the rings (along with the hobbit and the other books) 8 years after i read them. As i saw the Making of lord of the rings a curious question was posed as they talked about Tolkin and the development of the lord of the rings; What is the One Ring?

I thought it would be an interesting topic of discussion, what is the ring to you? how do you picture it? imagine it? what does it represent?

The amazing thing about The lord of the rings is that it is timeless and so is the One Ring. I will post my own ideas later, for now post your own ideas! looking forward to it :)


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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Fuhu's Nabi Jr. Tegra-powered kiddie tablet keeps the small ones occupied for five minutes

Fuhus Nabi Jr Tegrapowered kiddie tablet keeps the small ones occupied for five minutes

If your Clarkson-esque toddler screams "more power!" at its kiddie tablet, perhaps it's time to upgrade. Fuhu, makers of the Nabi, are trying to address that problem with the Nabi Jr., a 5-inch baby slate that's packing NVIDIA's marginally faster OG Tegra internals. The ICS-running hardware also includes an 800 x 400 capacitive touchscreen, rotating webcam and a customized education-friendly software layer. If you think it'll satisfy your spec-demanding infants, a 4GB model will set you back $100, or you can grab a 16GB version for $130.

Continue reading Fuhu's Nabi Jr. Tegra-powered kiddie tablet keeps the small ones occupied for five minutes

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