Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Utah gas prices up 13 cents in past month

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Utah is bucking the national trend after its gas prices went up 13 cents over the past month.

AAA statistics released Tuesday show the average price is $3.54 per gallon, slightly lower than the national mark of $3.58.

Utah is one of four states that saw gas prices go up in the past few weeks. AAA says the other 46 are benefiting from the decreasing cost of crude oil, and because companies have completed their switchover to summer-blend gasoline.

The state's most expensive gas is in Moab, where the average price is $3.73 per gallon. Salt Lake City and Ogden are on the low end, with an average gas price of $3.50 per gallon.


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Google: Glass Explorer edition to ship within the next month

Google Glass

Developers (and non-developers) who signed up for the Google Glass Explorer program should have their very own pair right before Google I/O

If you plunked down the $1500.00 to become a Glass Explorer at Google I/O last year, you should have your very own set of Google's next big thing in your hands within a month. This is according to what Google has told the folks over at Tech Crunch during today's "Glass Collective" event with Google Ventures. 

The timing for this just screams Google I/O, and we certainly expect to see Google Glass spend a good bit of time front and center during Google's yearly developer conference. Since the project was first unveiled at Google I/O last year, we've seen quite a bit of push from Mountain View to keep people interested, and get developers on board. We wouldn't be surprised to see things come to a head with special developer sessions for Glass, along with plenty of exposure during the keynotes.

If you're a part of the Glass Explorer group, keep an eye on your inbox for more information.

Source: Tech Crunch



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Couch potatoes may be genetically predisposed to being lazy, rat study suggests

Apr. 8, 2013 ? Studies show 97 percent of American adults get less than 30 minutes of exercise a day, which is the minimum recommended amount based on federal guidelines. New research from the University of Missouri suggests certain genetic traits may predispose people to being more or less motivated to exercise and remain active. Frank Booth, a professor in the MU College of Veterinary Medicine, along with his post-doctoral fellow Michael Roberts, were able to selectively breed rats that exhibited traits of either extreme activity or extreme laziness. They say these rats indicate that genetics could play a role in exercise motivation, even in humans.

"We have shown that it is possible to be genetically predisposed to being lazy," Booth said. "This could be an important step in identifying additional causes for obesity in humans, especially considering dramatic increases in childhood obesity in the United States. It would be very useful to know if a person is genetically predisposed to having a lack of motivation to exercise, because that could potentially make them more likely to grow obese."

In their study published in the American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology on April 3, 2013, Roberts and Booth put rats in cages with running wheels and measured how much each rat willingly ran on their wheels during a six-day period. They then bred the top 26 runners with each other and bred the 26 rats that ran the least with each other. They repeated this process through 10 generations and found that the line of running rats chose to run 10 times more than the line of "lazy" rats.

Once the researchers created their "super runner" and "couch potato" rats, they studied the levels of mitochondria in muscle cells, compared body composition and conducted thorough genetic evaluations through RNA deep sequencing of each rat.

"While we found minor differences in the body composition and levels of mitochondria in muscle cells of the rats, the most important thing we identified were the genetic differences between the two lines of rats," Roberts said. "Out of more than 17,000 different genes in one part of the brain, we identified 36 genes that may play a role in predisposition to physical activity motivation."

Now that the researchers have identified these specific genes, they plan on continuing their research to explore the effects each gene has on motivation to exercise.

Frank Booth also is a professor in the Department of Physiology in the MU School of Medicine as well as a research investigator in the Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center at MU. This research also featured Kevin Wells, an assistant professor of genetics in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Division of Animal Sciences.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Missouri-Columbia.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. M. D. Roberts, J. D. Brown, J. M. Company, L. P. Oberle, A. J. Heese, R. G. Toedebusch, K. D. Wells, C. L. Cruthirds, J. A. Knouse, J. A. Ferreira, T. E. Childs, M. Brown, F. W. Booth. Phenotypic and Molecular Differences Between Rats Selectively-Bred to Voluntarily Run High Versus Low Nightly Distances. AJP: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 2013; DOI: 10.1152/ajpregu.00581.2012

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Ericsson to buy Microsoft's TV software unit

(AP) ? Ericsson, the Swedish maker of telecommunications equipment, has agreed to buy Microsoft's Mediaroom business, which makes the software that powers AT&T's U-Verse TV service, the companies said Monday.

Neither company said how much Ericsson is paying.

Mediaroom gives phone companies a way to provide cable-like TV services over phone lines. It's used in 22 million set-top boxes in 11 million households, Microsoft said. U-Verse accounts for about 4.5 million of those homes. It's also used by Deutsche Telekom of Germany and by Telus Communications of Canada.

Microsoft Corp., which is based in Redmond, Wash., said it's focusing its resources on making its Xbox service a delivery vehicle for entertainment to game consoles, phones, PCs and tablets.

Ericsson said the Mediaroom business complements its portfolio of TV products. The business employs more than 400 people and is based in Mountain View, Calif.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Kerry meets Israeli leaders to push Mideast peace

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, right, meets with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Sunday, April, 7, 2013. (AP Photo / Mohamed Torokman)

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, right, meets with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Sunday, April, 7, 2013. (AP Photo / Mohamed Torokman)

(AP) ? U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is looking to breathe new life into dormant Mideast peace talks in meetings Monday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior Israeli and Palestinian officials, amid talk of modifying a decade-old Arab plan that's long been greeted with skepticism by the Jewish state.

A day after meeting one-on-one with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Kerry spent the morning of Israel's Holocaust memorial day at Yad Vashem, laying down a red, white and blue wreath at the nation's official monument for the 6 million Jews murdered during World War II. He was to meet privately Monday with Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and Israeli President Shimon Peres, before a dinner with Netanyahu and other Israeli officials.

Kerry is trying to end a 4?-year stalemate between the Israelis and Palestinians during which they've hardly negotiated peace at all. Making his third trip to the region in a period of two weeks, he has yet to outline any new plan but U.S. officials say he is exploring several ideas to try to corral both sides back into direct talks.

Palestinian and Arab officials have pointed to one idea in particular: An attempt to revive, with modifications, the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative that offered a comprehensive peace with Israel for a pullout from territories captured in the 1967 Mideast war.

The officials say Kerry is seeking greater Arab-Israeli security commitments and softer language on borders as part of the plan.

But key obstacles remain. Israel has not softened its objections and the Palestinians say they turned down a request from Kerry for the proposed changes.

Kerry and Abbas met for an hour behind closed doors in Ramallah on Sunday evening, where they discussed "the path to peace," according to a senior State Department official. Beforehand, U.S. and Palestinian officials met in a larger format to discuss strategies for economic growth in the Palestinian territories and how to best create a "positive climate for negotiations." The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of Kerry's orders not to brief reporters.

U.S. officials refused to comment specifically on the initiative, which was revolutionary when it was introduced by Saudi Arabia's then crown prince, King Abdullah, and later endorsed by the 22-member Arab League at a summit in Beirut. However, it was overshadowed by fierce Israeli-Palestinian fighting at the time and never won Israel's support. The Arab League re-endorsed the offer in 2007 and technically it remains in effect.

In the 1967 war, Israel took control of the West Bank, east Jerusalem, Gaza Strip, Sinai and Golan Heights. Israeli returned the Sinai to Egypt in 1982 in the framework of a peace treaty and pulled out of Gaza unilaterally in 2005. Israel annexed the Golan Heights in 1981 and peace talks with Syria over the territory have repeatedly failed.

Israeli-Palestinian peace talks have been deadlocked since late 2008, in large part over the issue of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. The Palestinians refuse to talk while Israel settles its population on the occupied territories where they want to establish their state. They have demanded that Israel accept the 1967 lines as the basis for a future Palestine, but Netanyahu rejects a return to the 1967 lines and calls for talks with no preconditions.

Abbas spokesman, Nabil Abu Rdeneh, said the Palestinian leader called for a solution based on the 1967 lines in his Sunday meeting with Kerry. He did not say whether the Arab peace initiative was discussed but confirmed Abbas was leaving Monday for talks on the plan at an Arab League meeting in Qatar.

There, a special committee will hold an "urgent meeting" on the subject Monday, said Mohammed Subeih, the Arab League's undersecretary for Palestinian affairs. Qatar's prime minister will chair it and the foreign ministers of key countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the Palestinians will participate.

Subeih said the committee would form a delegation led by Arab League chief Nabil El-Araby and the Qatari prime minister to travel to Washington in the coming weeks with the goal of drawing a new roadmap to "end Israeli occupation."

The chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat, said Kerry has been floating the Arab initiative as a possible way out of the deadlock.

Officials say Kerry has proposed two small changes to make it more palatable to Israel. He wants language saying the 1967 lines can be modified through mutual agreement and providing stronger security guarantees.

But Erekat said the plan could not be changed.

"Kerry asked us to change a few words in the Arab Peace Initiative but we refused," he told the Voice of Palestine radio station on Sunday.

Israeli officials refused to comment on the matter.

Israel has rejected a return to the 1967 lines for both security and spiritual reasons, arguing that the frontiers are indefensible and would mean a withdrawal from east Jerusalem, home to the city's holiest Jewish, Muslim and Christian religious sites. In the past, however, Netanyahu has described the peace initiative as a welcome sign of acceptance from the Arab world while refusing to accept its conditions.

Associated Press


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Monday, April 8, 2013

More bad karma for Fisker Automotive; layoffs and lawsuit | SiliconBeat

Dana Hull Dana Hull (78 Posts)

Dana Hull covers cleantech and energy policy for the San Jose Mercury News. She often writes about electric vehicles, the smart grid, the solar industry and California energy policy, from RPS goals to Gov. Jerry Brown's big dreams for distributed generation. Her preferred form of transportation is a bicycle.

More bad karma for Fisker Automotive; layoffs and lawsuit

Fisker Automotive?s bad karma continues.

On Friday, the Anaheim-based company laid off 160 of its 210 employees.

?If you are an employer who is looking for bright, passionate and hardworking team members please take a hard look at the many Fisker Automotive team members on LinkedIn,? says Fisker?s LinkedIn page.

Now the company has been hit by a class-action lawsuit from law firm Outten & Golden for not giving employees a 60-day notice under California?s WARN act.

?We contend Fisker ordered mass layoffs on or about April 5, 2013 without providing its employees with advance written notice. The Case is pending in the United States District Court for the Central District of California,? says Outten & Golden?s website. The firm is seeking 60 days wages and benefits for former employees.

Many speculate that Fisker could file for bankruptcy as early as Monday. If so, get ready for more stories about the Department of Energy?s loan to the company.

In August, Fisker named Tony Posawatz, the former Chevy Volt chief, as the company?s new CEO, making him the third executive to helm the startup in a year. Lead Fisker board director Ray Lane of Silicon Valley venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers, the auto company?s largest investor, recruited him to replace Tom LaSorda, who in turn replaced company founder Henrik Fisker.? Fisker resigned from the company March 13.






Dana Hull Dana Hull (78 Posts)

Dana Hull covers cleantech and energy policy for the San Jose Mercury News. She often writes about electric vehicles, the smart grid, the solar industry and California energy policy, from RPS goals to Gov. Jerry Brown's big dreams for distributed generation. Her preferred form of transportation is a bicycle.


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For Bassem Youssef, Egypt's 'Jon Stewart,' satire is no laughing matter

To fans of controversial Egyptian comedian and TV host Bassem Youssef, he's "a pioneer" and "one of the funniest guys in Cairo." To his critics, he's an incendiary force who insults Islam under the guise of free speech. NBC's Ayman Mohyeldin reports.

By Ayman Mohyeldin, Charlene Gubash and Christina Caron, NBC News

To fans of controversial Egyptian comedian and TV host Bassem Youssef, he?s ?a pioneer? and ?one of the funniest guys in Cairo.? To his critics, he?s an incendiary force who insults Islam under the guise of free speech.

As for Youssef, he says he?s ?just the host of a political satire show? who appeals to people seeking controversy and ?a good laugh.?

A former heart surgeon, Youssef developed an online following after posting satirical YouTube clips during the violent 2011 uprising in Egypt. He was eventually offered his own TV show, ?The Program,? earning inevitable comparisons to Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show."

?I don't take aim at the president, I take aim at the authority -- because this is what sarcasm is all about. This is what joking and political satire is all about -- not about me confirming with the president,? Youssef told NBC News. ?Political satire everywhere in the world is directed towards two things: authority and right wing. I mean, the right wing is amazing -- they're giving us amazing material.?

In fact, he says, perhaps his critics should be thanked for the additional ratings: "It seems they are watching my show more than anybody."?

Fans: Youssef is saying 'what we all want to say'
In one episode he sang to a heart-shaped pillow bearing Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi?s face, and in several others he relied on sexual innuendos to get laughs. Although some have taken offense, the show is viewed by an average of 30 million people on TV, and averages 2.5 million views on YouTube.?

One of those fans, 21-year-old student Mohammed Barakat, said Morsi is just saying ?what we all want to say.?

?Every Friday everyone sits with their family to watch [?The Program?] ? It?s a way to escape all the problems and make fun of what?s going on and takes away a bit of the depression,? Barakat?said.

If the Muslim Brotherhood tries to shut down the show, Youssef said, ?There?s YouTube -- they have to close YouTube then, or they have to put us in jail, or they have to make us flee the country.

?So there are many lovely options out there,? he joked.

But Morsi isn?t laughing.?

Egypt?s top prosecutor issued an arrest warrant, accusing Bassem of insulting Morsi and Islam. Youssef turned himself in and then was released on bail after being interrogated, prompting a stern statement from the U.S. State Department.

It followed several legal complaints filed by Morsi supporters.

Sayed Hamad, a lawyer who filed one of those complaints, said Youssef?s show is ?shattering ? all the values and ethics that we are used to.??

For Youssef to wear a giant hat, an exaggerated version of the graduation hat Morsi wore in March when he was awarded an honorary degree, was "humiliating" to the president, Hamad said.

But when Youssef also wore the hat to his interrogation at the prosecutor general?s office, Hamad said it was akin to ?a drug dealer who was caught red-handed going into the courtroom with drugs in his hand.?

'You don't have to be petty'
On Monday, the prosecutor general accused Youssef and his TV station?s CEO with disturbing the peace. That day, "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" took aim at Morsi?s government.

?When you?re actually powerful, you don?t have to be petty,? Stewart said during his 11-minute segment on Youssef?s arrest. ?Bassem is my friend, my brother. There are two things he loves in this world with all his heart: Egypt and Islam. And his family. Three things.?

The U.S. Embassy in Cairo tweeted a link to Stewart?s monologue, angering Morsi whose office tweeted: ?It?s inappropriate for a diplomatic mission to engage in such negative political propaganda.? The embassy deleted its Twitter account temporarily then it resurfaced without the link to Stewart?s show.?

At one time, Morsi pledged to uphold freedom of expression.?

When asked in January, two years after the Arab Spring uprising, if Youssef and other critics such as Mohamed ElBaradei need to worry about going to jail, Morsi told CNN, ?They are Egyptians, they are part of my family in Egypt, there is no way any harm can befall them because of their opinions or their personal opposition.?

That remains to be seen. With so many admirers of the show, any decision to punish Youssef would likely be met with public outcry.

?I wouldn?t allow it, personally. If it takes us demonstrating to stop it because it?s not just about Bassem Youssef, it?s about freedom of speech -- simple as that,? American University professor Hala Abdel Hak said.

Store owner Ghada Abdel Hak says Youssef has an ability to ?put a mirror in front of you in a very funny and smart way.?

?Egyptians now after the revolutions will not shut up,? he said.

Youssef's legal ordeal is far from over -- he could be called back into the general prosecutor's office for questioning, or referred to trial.?

So far, however, he isn?t bending to political pressure. If things escalate and he?s forced to leave the country, he says ?he?ll do so with a broken heart.?

Producer Taha Belal contributed to this report.?



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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Risk for Obama in pursuing morning-after pill case

WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama supports requiring girls younger than 17 to see a doctor before buying the morning-after pill. But fighting that battle in court comes with its own set of risks.

A federal judge in New York on Friday ordered the Food and Drug Administration to lift age restrictions on the sale of emergency contraception, ending the requirement that buyers show proof they're 17 or older if they want to buy it without a prescription.

The ruling accused the Obama administration in no uncertain terms of letting the president's pending re-election cloud its judgment when it set the age limits in 2011.

"The motivation for the secretary's action was obviously political," U.S. District Judge Edward Korman wrote in reference to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who made the 2011 decision.

The FDA had been poised to allow over-the-counter sales with no age limits when Sebelius took the unprecedented step of overruling the agency.

If the Obama administration appeals Korman's ruling, it could re-ignite the simmering battle over women's reproductive health, which is never far from the surface in American politics. An appeal also could sidetrack the president just as he's trying to keep Congress and the public focused on gun control, immigration and resolving the nation's budget woes.

"There's no political advantage whatsoever," said Democratic strategist Hank Sheinkopf. "It's a side issue he doesn't need to deal with right now. The best idea is to leave it alone."

Still, Obama has made clear in the past that he feels strongly about the limits. As a politician whose name won't ever appear on a ballot again, it's hard to see the downside in sticking by his principles.

"As the father of two daughters, I think it is important for us to make sure that we apply some common sense to various rules when it comes to over-the-counter medicine," Obama said in 2011 when he endorsed Sebelius' decision.

The Justice Department said it is evaluating whether to appeal. Allison Price, a department spokeswoman, said there would be a prompt decision.

The White House said Obama's view on the issue hasn't changed since 2011.

"He supports that decision today. He believes it was the right common-sense approach to this issue," White House spokesman Jay Carney said.

Appealing the decision could rile liberal groups and parts of Obama's political base that are already upset with his forthcoming budget, which includes cuts to programs like Medicare and Social Security.

But currying favor with conservatives who want the ruling to stand probably won't do much to help Obama make progress on his second-term priorities.

"It won't help him with Republicans in Congress to get policy matters attended to," Sheinkopf said.

Also weighing on Obama and his aides as he decides how to proceed is the unpleasant memory of previous dust-ups over contraception.

Among them is an election-year spat over an element of Obama's health care overhaul law that required most employers to cover birth control free of charge to female workers as a preventive service.

That controversy led to lawsuits that threatened to embroil Obama's health care law, already under fire for a requirement that individuals buy insurance, in even more legal action.

When Obama offered to soften the rule last year, religious groups said it wasn't enough. Obama proposed another compromise on the rule in February to mixed response from faith-based groups.

If the court order issued Friday stands, Plan B One-Step and its generic versions could move from behind pharmacy counters out to drugstore shelves. That would end a decade-plus struggle by women's groups for easier access to these pills, which can prevent pregnancy if taken soon enough after unprotected sex.

Women's health specialists hailed the ruling. They said there's no reason that a safe birth control option shouldn't be available over the counter and they dismissed concerns that it could encourage underage people to have sex.

But social conservatives, in a rare show of support for Obama's approach to social policy, said the ruling removes common-sense protections and denies parents and medical professionals the opportunity to be a safeguard for vulnerable young girls.

"The court's action undermines parents' ability to protect their daughters from such exploitation and from the adverse effects of the drug itself," Deirdre McQuade, spokeswoman for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Half the nation's pregnancies every year are unintended. Doctors' groups say more access to morning-after pills, by putting them near the condoms and spermicides so people can learn about them and buy them quickly, could cut those numbers.

The morning-after pill contains a higher dose of the female progestin hormone than is in regular birth control pills. Taking it within 72 hours of rape, condom failure or just forgetting regular contraception can cut the chances of pregnancy by up to 89 percent.

It works best within the first 24 hours. If a woman already is pregnant, the pill has no effect.

Absent an appeal or a government request for more time to prepare one, the ruling will take effect in 30 days, meaning that over-the-counter sales could start then.


Associated Press writer Larry Neumeister in New York contributed to this report.


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Boeing completes final certification test of new 787 battery system

The 787 Dreamliner used in the test

On Friday, Boeing completed the final certification test required by the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for approval of the company?s lithium-ion battery modifications for the 787 Dreamliner aircraft. The test flight was made using a Boeing-owned production airplane built for LOT Polish Airlines with the company reporting that the test was ?straightforward and the flight was uneventful.?

The flight marks the latest phase in the events following the grounding of the 787 fleet earlier this year after battery overheating problems occurred aboard a number of the aircraft. With a crew of eleven aboard, the test flight took place from Paine Field, Everett, Washington and lasted for one hour and 49 minutes with the craft being put through normal and unusual flight conditions. Its purpose was to see how well the new battery and battery compartment modifications stand up in real world conditions.

Boeing says it will gather and analyze the test flight data and send it on to the FAA for final approval in the next few days. If all goes well, the 787 Dreamliners could re-enter service shortly.

Source: Boeing

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Saturday, April 6, 2013

U.S. board faults California safety regulations in Chevron blaze

RICHMOND, California | Fri Apr 5, 2013 8:04pm EDT

RICHMOND, California (Reuters) - The federal agency investigating the fire that broke out in August at Chevron Corp's oil refinery in Richmond, California, faulted the state's regulatory system for not being proactive enough in preventing accidents.

"The California process safety regulatory system lacked sufficient well-trained, technically competent staff and also lacked more rigorous regulatory requirements to require Chevron to reduce safety risk," said the U.S. Chemical Safety Board's lead investigator Dan Tillema at a public hearing in Richmond on Friday.

CSB Western Regional Director Don Holmstrom called upon California to change its regulatory system to one called "safety case" in which high-hazard industrial plants such as crude oil refineries would not be allowed to begin operating until they have proven they have reduced all safety risks to as low as reasonably practicable.

"That is a pre-condition for operating," Holmstrom said in a prepared statement at a public hearing before California legislators on Friday.

"There's a need for step change (in safety regulation)," Holmstrom said while answering questions during the Friday afternoon hearing. "The whole system needs improvement."

Holmstrom said the change to a safety case system would be a reversal from the current system in which high-hazard facilities are allowed to operate and are punished when they have a mishap or found in violation of a regulation.

Chevron said it would look at proposed changes in safety regulations.

"We will engage in constructive dialogue regarding any proposed industry-wide regulations that will allow us to remain competitive and operate at the highest levels of safety," said Chevron spokeswoman Melissa Ritchie.

In preliminary other findings released in the weeks following the fire, the Chemical Safety Board has faulted Chevron's failure to replace a heavily corroded pipe on the 245,000 barrel-per-day crude distillation unit that ruptured setting off the fire, which caused only minor injuries at the second-largest refinery in California.

The board has also criticized the refinery for failing to shut the unit down when it sent firefighters on August 6 to try and find the leak.

California's worker safety regulator the California Occupational Safety & Health Division (Cal/OSHA) fined Chevron $963,000 on January 30 for 25 violations of worker safety regulations.

Holmstrom praised Cal/OSHA as better than many state safety regulators, but said it was one of three agencies with regulatory authority over the plant.

Cal/OSHA Chief Ellen Widess said the agency inspected Chevron's Los Angeles-area refinery in El Segundo, California, following the Richmond fire. The company was required to replace corroded pipe on a crude unit similar to the one in Richmond. The work was done in October.

Contra Costa County officials said they are ordering Chevron to pay for a full safety inspection of the refinery.

Refiners Exxon Mobil Corp, Royal Dutch Shell Plc and Valero Energy Corp, which operate plants in California, declined to discuss the recommended change in high-hazard facility regulation.

CSB is only an investigative agency, charged with seeking the root cause of chemical plant accidents and making recommendations to the industry. The board has no power to fine companies or issue regulations.

(Reporting by Braden Reddall and Erwin Seba. Editing by Andre Grenon and Lisa Shumaker)


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EU minimum tax legislation for cigarettes has had no effect on smoking prevalence, according to new Spanish study

Apr. 5, 2013 ? Up to 2009 there is no statistically significant evidence of any reduction in smoking amongst men -- and very little evidence of a reduction in smoking amongst women -- resulting from the introduction of EU minimum tax legislation in Spain in 2006. This is despite the price of cigarettes rising up to three times faster than before the legislation came into effect, according to a new study published online in the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research.

The World Health Organization's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control exhorts Parties to implement tax policies aimed at reducing tobacco consumption. As a signatory, the European Union passed legislation [i] requiring Member States to apply cigarette taxes to ensure that, as of January 1st 2014, at least 90 ? per 1000 units are excised, regardless of brand or category. Many Member States anticipated this move, and introduced taxation legislation.

Spain's minimum tax on manufactured cigarettes legislation has been operating since February 2006. However, the Spanish territory of the Canary Islands is subject to a special tax measures aimed at stimulating their distant offshore economy, and therefore tobacco products in the Canary Islands were not subject to the type of excise duties that were implemented elsewhere in Spain (mainland and the Balearics). This study was therefore able to compare cigarette prices and smoking prevalence in both areas.

?ngel L?pez-Nicol?s, Lourdes Badillo-Amador, and M. Bel?n Cobacho-Tornel found that prior to the legislation coming into effect in 2006, the annual increase of cigarette prices in both the Canary Islands and the rest of Spain were quite similar, at an average of 5%. However, after 2006, the difference is stark: prices rose by 44% before taking inflation (8.3%) into account in Spain in the years 2006-2010, but by only 10% before inflation (8.5%) in the Canary Islands during the same period.

The authors then examined both immediate and longer-term effects on smoking prevalence after the introduction of the legislation and found that the hikes in cigarette prices do not seem to have affected smoking prevalence amongst males, either shortly after the reform or three years hence. In the case of women, the study found no significant effects in the short term, with estimates ranging between 3.36% and 4.3% in the long term.

Lead author ?ngel L?pez-Nicol?s, of the Universidad Polit?cnica de Cartagena, comments, "the lack of a robust effect on prevalence more than three years hence is surprising given the clear effect on cigarette prices. Indeed, finding a statistically significant effect on prevalence only for females and, even then, with only one of our estimation methods, runs against the well-established notion that smoking prevalence responds to price rises."

The authors looked into the Spanish tobacco market to find out why this might be so. They found that the price of fine cut tobacco for use in hand-rolled cigarettes fell in real terms between 2005 and 2008 and has remained well below that of manufactured cigarettes, with the share of fine cut tobacco over total tobacco sales more than trebling (from 1.6% to 5.1% of sales). This suggests that smokers may have taken up hand-rolled cigarettes since the introduction of the minimum tax legislation, which until 2009 only applied to manufactured cigarettes.

"In this sense," says L?pez-Nicol?s, "the new tax regime has performed poorly in regard of the public health objective of reducing tobacco consumption. It seems that a necessary condition to achieve such a reduction would be to plug the tax loophole that allows fine cut tobacco into the market at a substantive discount compared to manufactured cigarettes.

"As for the EU-wide implications, there is a relevant policy message implied by our results. The countries that have introduced a minimum tax on manufactured cigarettes might achieve little in terms of reductions in smoking prevalence if they allow a tax gap between fine cut tobacco and manufactured cigarettes. Member States should be proactive in this regard if they wish to successfully implement the WHO Framework Convention guidelines on taxation."

[i] Council Directive CD 2011/64/EU

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  1. A. Lopez-Nicolas, L. Badillo-Amador, M. B. Cobacho-Tornel. Will the European Union's New Tobacco Tax Legislation Lead to Reductions in Smoking Prevalence? Evidence From a Quasi-experiment in Spain. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2013; DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntt038

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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10 reasons Louisville will cut down the NCAA nets

Fans picked their favorite team, moment, and players from the 75-year history of the NCAA basketball tournament.

Louisville Cardinals head coach Rick Pitino and players Russ Smith and Gorgui Dieng celebrate from the bench in the second half of the Midwest regional against the Duke Blue Devils at Lucas Oil Stadium.(Photo: Jamie Rhodes, USA TODAY Sports)

Story Highlights

  • The Cardinals haven't lost a game in nearly a month
  • Louisville has a future Hall of Fame coach in Rick Pitino
  • Still, other favorites have floundered in Final Four

ATLANTA ? Louisville is the team to beat. But what if someone does?

There is a Final Four junkyard crammed with favorites who hit the wall on the last turn. So here we have the Cardinals. They have the experience, the talent, the statistics, the coach, and for inspiration, a teammate on the sideline with the most famous broken leg in the Commonwealth of Kentucky since Barbaro.

Kevin Ware ? one week a largely unknown reserve guard, the next a spot on David Letterman.

KEVIN WARE: How Louisville teammate touched his heart

RICK PITINO: Coach gets Hall of Fame nod

In honor of his appearance, the top 10 reasons why the Cardinals won't be stopped.

10. Last time they lost a game, you were reminding yourself not to forget ordering flowers for Valentine's Day. That was Feb. 9. The other three teams in town have lost 13 times since Feb. 9.

9. Twelve teams were seeded No. 3 or higher in this tournament. Louisville is the only one still standing.

X-FACTOR: Louisville's quiet giant

8. Neither Michigan nor Syracuse nor Wichita State have a player who has ever seen the inside of a Final Four. All five Louisville starters scored in last year's Final Four, combining for 46 points.

7. The Cardinals have not been behind in the second half in this NCAA Tournament.

6. Rick Pitino has been busy talking his players into thinking they're playing the Miami Heat on Saturday. "What they have done to Ohio State, Pittsburgh, Gonzaga and La Salle is truly amazing," he was saying of Wichita State.

MORE: How Louisville turns tragedy into victory

"He's a great motivational speaker," guard Peyton Siva said. "He sells books on it."

5. There have only been 12 lead changes in their four tournament games ? 10 of them the first half against Duke.

4. Michigan might be too young. Syracuse might not have the offense. Wichita State is a dangerous team, but does the following conversation sound like it should come from the locker room of a future national champion?

DEPTH ISSUE: Kevin Ware leaves void

"I had a couple of guys that work on the concourse ask me where Wichita is, which isn't that out of the ordinary for us,'' Shockers reserve guard Ron Baker said Friday. "I answered them and told them it is in the middle of Kansas, kind of in the middle of nowhere. Everybody knows where Kansas is."

3. They're not running away from the role of favorite, as if it was a skunk. "We feel the bulls-eye," Wayne Blackshear mentioned Friday.

"It's a lot of pressure, but pressure brings diamonds," Chane Behanan said. "We're the team they're talking about. Everybody is expecting us to cut down the nets Monday night. We're hoping that, too."

2. Pitino can't get upset the same week he might be elected to the basketball Hall of Fame. That'd be like fate handing him an exploding cigar and lighting it for him.

And the No. 1 reason the Cardinals can't be stopped: They're not playing Kentucky's 2012 team in this Final Four.

Then again, it can't be that much of a lock, can it? That would run contrary to all that this season has been about. It seems rather odd to think of Louisville as a giant, with five defeats. In late February, the Cardinals were ranked ninth in the USA Today Sports poll.

Still, a roll is a roll, and they're on it. Should something bad happen to Louisville, this would be some of the recent company the Cardinals would keep.

It was supposedly their Final Four to lose, too ? and they did.

Duke, 1999.

The Blue Devils were 37-1 and the last obstacle was Connecticut. The only players from that school to go to the Final Four had been women. But not anymore.

UNLV, 1991.

The 34-0 Rebels were the last team to take an unbeaten record into the Final Four. Where Duke was waiting. Ooops.

Georgetown, 1985.

Everyone understood Villanova would have to be nearly perfect to beat the mighty Hoyas. The Wildcats missed one shot the second half.

Houston, 1983.

The Cougars were so powerful, they had their own nickname. Phi Slamma Jamma. Just one last team to thrash; North Carolina State with 10 defeats and a plucky coach named Jim Valvano.

You know the rest.

This would be the season something messy. Or does the Year of Parity have a dominant steamroller at the end?

"I go back a long, long time ago, when you could pencil in Coach Wooden, Coach Smith, pencil in Kansas, Kentucky, whoever that might be," Pitino said. "And now you can't do that.

"It's a lot of fun for all of us."

We'll see how much fun he's having if Wichita State is going to the championship game.



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Dead star warps light of companion red star, astronomers say

Apr. 5, 2013 ? NASA's Kepler space telescope, in concert with Cornell-led measurements of stars' ultraviolet activity, has observed the effects of a dead star bending the light of its companion red star.

The findings are among the first detections of this effect -- a result predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity -- in binary, or double, star systems.

The dead star, also called a white dwarf, is the burnt-out core of what used to be a star like our sun. It is locked in an orbiting dance with its partner, a small "red dwarf" star. While the tiny white dwarf is physically smaller than the red dwarf, it is more massive. When the white dwarf passed in front of its star, its gravity caused the starlight to observably bend and brighten.

"This white dwarf is about the size of Earth but the mass of the sun," said Phil Muirhead, Ph.D. '11, of the California Institute of Technology and lead author of the findings to be published April 20 in the Astrophysical Journal, titled "Characterizing the cool KOIs: A mutually eclipsing post-common envelope binary."

"It's so hefty that the red dwarf, though larger in physical size, is circling around the white dwarf," Muirhead continued.

The research team used Cornell-led ultraviolet measurements of the star called (Kepler Object of Interest) KOI-256 taken by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX), a NASA space telescope operated by Caltech. The GALEX observations were conducted by Cornell researchers Jamie Lloyd, associate professor of astronomy and of mechanical and aerospace engineering; Kevin Covey, former postdoctoral associate now at Lowell Observatory; and Lucianne Walkowicz of Princeton University and Evgenya Shkolnik of Lowell Observatory.

Still in early phases and for which Cornell students are now being recruited by Lloyd, the GALEX program measures ultraviolet activity in all the stars in the Kepler field of view -- an indicator of potential habitability for planets.

Graduate student and co-author Jim Fuller also did a theoretical analysis of the star system in the context of its future and past evolutions.

The red dwarf orbits the white dwarf in just 1.4 days. This orbital period is so short that the stars must have previously undergone a "common-envelope" phase in which the red dwarf orbited within the outer layers of the star that formed the white dwarf, Fuller explained.

Moreover, the short orbital period means the red dwarf's days are numbered: In a few billion years, the intense gravity of the white dwarf will strip material off the red dwarf, forming a hot accretion disk of in-falling material around the white dwarf.

"This system is especially exciting because it allows us to accurately characterize the peaceful state of these systems before the violent mass-transfer phase begins," Fuller said.

Kepler's primary job is to scan stars in search of orbiting planets. As the planets pass by, they block the starlight by miniscule amounts, which Kepler's sensitive detectors can see.

So far, Kepler has identified more than 2,700 planet candidates. Still ongoing is the mission's search for planets similar to Earth in size and temperature that orbit a star like our sun. Ultimately, Kepler will reveal how common Earth-size planets are in the Milky Way galaxy.

To learn more about this particular star system, Muirhead and colleagues also used the Hale Telescope at Palomar Observatory near San Diego. Using a technique called radial velocity, they discovered that the red dwarf was wobbling around like a spinning top. The wobble was too big to be from the tug of a planet. That's when they knew they were looking at a massive white dwarf passing behind the red dwarf, rather than a gas giant passing in front.

One of the consequences of Einstein's theory of general relativity is that gravity bends light. Astronomers regularly observe this phenomenon, often called gravitational lensing, which has been used to discover new planets and hunt for free-floating planets.

In this new study, scientists used gravitational lensing to determine the mass of the white dwarf. By combining this information with all the data they acquired, they were able to accurately measure the mass of the red dwarf and the physical sizes of both stars.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Cornell University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Philip S. Muirhead, Andrew Vanderburg, Avi Shporer, Juliette Becker, Jonathan J. Swift, James P. Lloyd, Jim Fuller, Ming Zhao, Sasha Hinkley, J. Sebastian Pineda, Michael Bottom, Andrew W. Howard, Kaspar von Braun, Tabetha S. Boyajian, Nicholas Law, Christoph Baranec, Reed Riddle, A. N. Ramaprakash, Shriharsh P. Tendulkar, Khanh Bui, Mahesh Burse, Pravin Chordia, Hillol Das, Richard Dekany, Sujit Punnadi, John Asher Johnson. CHARACTERIZING THE COOL KOIs. V. KOI-256: A MUTUALLY ECLIPSING POST-COMMON ENVELOPE BINARY. The Astrophysical Journal, 2013; 767 (2): 111 DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/767/2/111

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Friday, April 5, 2013

Google Launches Drive App Data Folders, Lets Developers Safely Store Configuration Files And Other Data

8371218391_9b6af76a2d_zIf you’re a developer building web or mobile apps that use Google Drive for storing information, you’ve probably found that users really can’t be trusted not to delete or move that data. Once the user does that, the app experience won’t be so great and the data that the app needs to run isn’t there to use. Today, Google has introduced “app data folders” which are protected and can’t be seen by users within their Drive account. Other apps can’t see the files either, so there is now an added layer of security to fight off bad actors who build apps to swipe information or do other damage. The Google Drive team suggests that these app data folders are used for configuration files, app state data or files that shouldn’t be modified in any way. Even though users can’t see the data, they can see how much space it is taking up on their devices and clear the data at any time. Here’s what you’ll see as a user in your manage apps panel: Additionally, “custom properties” can be added to Drive files that will allow developers to create searchable fields that are either app-specific or are to be shared with other apps. More information about the Drive SDK can be found on StackOverflow, a site oddly not owned or operated by Google. [Photo credit: Flickr]


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The Final Four in 13 numbers

David J. Phillip / AP

University of Louisville players work during practice Friday, April 5, in Atlanta for their NCAA Final Four college basketball semifinal game against Wichita State.

By Matthew DeLuca, Staff Writer, NBC News

Your favorite player's number isn't the only one you'll need to know if you want to impress at Final Four viewing parties this weekend. About 100,000 fans are expected to flood into Atlanta from Saturday to Monday to cheer on college basketball's biggest stars. The Louisville Cardinals will face the Wichita State Shockers, and the Michigan Wolverines will come up against the Syracuse Orange.

The NCAA said it has trucked in an additional 18,218 additional seats to add to the 74,000-capacity Georgia Dome, from which face-painted spectators can peer down at the spankin' new $100,000 court.

Sure, you can scrape by reciting stats and recounting stunning moments from championship games past. But any sports fan worth his or her salt knows those. Here are the numbers you need to know what's really going on behind the scenes during the year's most anticipated weekend of college hoops:

2,700 ? Feet scalpers are required to stay from the complex that includes the Georgia Dome in order to ply their trade under Peach State law. State regulations require that unofficial ticket-hawkers steer well clear of the Georgia World Congress Center, which includes the stadium.

29 ? Inches the championship court is elevated above the stadium floor. The final team standing literally gets to take the field ? it's given the option of taking the court home. If the national champion declines, the NCAA sells the court after the tournament.

32,942 ? Amount in dollars on StubHub for a single ticket to view the semifinals and the championship from a posh suite. The average price tag for a semifinals seat in 2013 was an all-time high of $1,190, according to secondary-market aggregator

315 ? Lowest price in dollars for a single semifinals ticket on, for a seat way up in the Dome's stratosphere. Or luckless fans can try and strike a deal with those friendly scalpers lingering a few blocks from the stadium.

1,125 ? Credentialed members of the pencil-pushing, camera-toting media who will be jostling for laptop real estate over the weekend. One of the most popular annual sporting events in the United States, the Big Dance's finale also draws in a sizable contingent of foreign media.

155,000 ? Weight in pounds of the monster video board looming over the court, blowing the athletes to superhuman size. And so fans don't miss a single moment, 660 television monitors also dot walls throughout the stadium.

30 ? Length in seconds of a campaign finance ad the Fair Elections for New York Campaign is planning to run during the Syracuse-Michigan matchup Saturday. (Also, approximate length of bathroom break fans will take during said ad.)

1904 ? Year the school that would become Wichita State adopted the team nickname "Shockers," for the harvesting, or "shocking," of wheat that went on in fields not far from the school. The men's basketball team, then playing for what was known as Fairmount College, first took the court in 1906.

32,952 ? Feet of soft drink supply lines that snake to drink dispensers through the stadium to provide sugary soda pop nectar to throats hoarse from rooting on the team. The 21-year-old Dome is better known for hosting football games, but it has been home to three previous Final Four matchups.

11,088 ? Distance in feet that fans have to drive from the Dome to get a chili dog at Hotlanta's nearest Varsity drive-in restaurant. The chain's been dishing up slaw dogs and orange shakes for Atlanta customers since 1928.

1 ? Ubiquitous hand gesture (the high-five) that Louisville claims was invented by its 1978-79 men's basketball team. That team, also known as the Doctors of Dunk, featured players Wiley Brown and Derek Smith, who allegedly came up with the celebratory slap. (Other sources claim Dusty Baker and Glenn Burke of the Los Angeles Dodgers invented the high-five during the 1977 baseball season.)

3.9 ? Dollar amount, in millions, that Louisville coach Rick Pitino pulls down as his base salary. That makes him the biggest earner before performance bonuses of this year's Final Four coaches. It also explains those snazzy white suits.

1 ? Television and six-pack of light beer required to enjoy the game in the comfort of one's own home.



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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thieves steal $340K in jewelry from Bosh home

(AP) ? Thieves made off with an estimated $340,000 in jewelry from Miami Heat star Chris Bosh's home while he was out celebrating his birthday.

Miami Beach police say Bosh called them about 12:30 a.m. Thursday after he and his wife returned from his well-publicized party at South Beach's Bamboo nightclub. The couple noticed a jewelry drawer was open and numerous watches, rings and purses were missing.

Police say there was no sign of forced entry at the Bosh home. Also some easily recognizable items such as Bosh's Heat championship ring were left behind.

Authorities are interviewing housekeepers and checking anyone else who may have had recent access to Bosh's home.

Bosh was celebrating his 29th birthday.

Associated Press


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Writer Iain Banks: I have months to live

LONDON (AP) ? Scottish writer Iain Banks said Wednesday he has been diagnosed with late-stage gall bladder cancer and has just months to live.

Banks says it is "extremely unlikely" he will live more than a year and that his latest novel, "The Quarry," will likely be his last.

The 59-year-old said he is "officially very poorly" and is weighing the pros and cons of chemotherapy to extend his life.

"As a result, I've withdrawn from all planned public engagements and I've asked my partner Adele if she will do me the honor of becoming my widow," Banks said in a statement posted on his publisher's website. "Sorry ? but we find ghoulish humor helps."

Banks writes general fiction and science fiction, the latter under the name Iain M. Banks.

Banks published his first novel "The Wasp Factory" in 1984. His first science fiction novel, "Consider Phlebas," was published in 1987.

In 2008, he was named one of the 50 greatest British writers since 1945 in a list compiled by The Times of London.


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Arkansas Oil Spill Sheds Light On Aging Pipeline System

Oil covers the ground around a slide in Mayflower, Ark., on April 1, days after a pipeline ruptured and spewed oil over lawns and roadways.

Jeannie Nuss/AP

Oil covers the ground around a slide in Mayflower, Ark., on April 1, days after a pipeline ruptured and spewed oil over lawns and roadways.

Jeannie Nuss/AP

Amber Bartlett was waiting last Friday for her kids to come home from school. One of them called from the entrance to the upscale subdivision near Little Rock, Ark., to tell her the community was being evacuated because of an oil spill. Bartlett was amazed by what she saw out her front door.

"I mean, just rolling oil. I mean, it was like a river," she says. "It had little waves in it."

ExxonMobil, the company that runs the pipeline, says it has collected hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil and water from Bartlett's neighborhood.

Spilled crude oil is seen in a drainage ditch near evacuated homes near Starlite Road in Mayflower, Ark., on March 31. An Exxon Mobil pipeline carrying Canadian crude oil was shut off after it ruptured March 29, causing an evacuation of 22 homes.

Jacob Slaton/Reuters/Landov

Spilled crude oil is seen in a drainage ditch near evacuated homes near Starlite Road in Mayflower, Ark., on March 31. An Exxon Mobil pipeline carrying Canadian crude oil was shut off after it ruptured March 29, causing an evacuation of 22 homes.

Jacob Slaton/Reuters/Landov

Bartlett says things could have been much worse. Her children's baby-sitter lives in the house closest to where the pipeline burst.

"They play right there every day where it busted," she says. "We are fortunate our babies were not out there during that time."

Bartlett says ExxonMobil has paid hotel bills, fed families and even given children Easter baskets.

"I'm upset," she says. "But accidents happen."

'It Is Catastrophic'

It's not yet clear what caused the spill. Exxon's Pegasus pipeline is 65 years old. It runs 858 miles from Illinois to Texas. It was adapted a few years ago to increase its capacity by 50 percent.

Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel, who is investigating the spill, visited the subdivision Wednesday.

"I have been reminded by Exxon's representatives that this is a relatively small spill and cleanup is going just great," he said. "I hope that they realize that to the homeowners in this area, it is not small ? it is catastrophic."

McDaniel said he knows underground pipelines are essential to keeping the country's economy going. They carry fuel for cars, airplanes and home furnaces.

"We got to have that, but it has to be maintained," he said. "It has to be inspected."

McDaniel said Exxon has repeatedly told him that inspections were up to date and showed no cause for concern. He said the spill raises questions about whether the inspection process for aging pipelines is adequate.

The U.S. Pipeline Network

In fact, more than half of the nation's pipelines were built before 1970. More than 2.5 million miles of pipelines run underground throughout the country. According to federal statistics, they have on average 280 significant spills a year. Most of these accidents aren't big enough to make headlines.

Accidents Preventable?

The National Transportation Safety Board has investigated 20 pipeline accidents since 2000. Debbie Hersman, who heads the agency, says by and large the system is safe.

"But that still doesn't mean that we should accept these accidents when they occur," she says. "Particularly if you can demonstrate that they are preventable. And I will tell you, 100 percent of the accidents that we've investigated were completely preventable."

Hersman says her investigators repeatedly find the same problems ? for example, cracks and corrosion that were discovered by inspections but never fixed.

"If companies invest in safety, we can get to zero accidents in the pipeline industry," she says.

John Stoody, director for government and public relations at the Association of Oil Pipe Lines, stresses that pipelines' safety record is getting better.

"We spend over a billion dollars every year inspecting the pipelines, checking them for any issues, performing maintenance on them as they're needed," he says. "And it's something we care a lot about. We certainly want to have as few incidents as possible."

Stoody says pipelines are the safest way to transport the fuel people need for their daily lives. He notes that 99.995 percent of petroleum barrels reach their destination safely.

But Anthony Swift, an attorney for the environmental group Natural Resources Defense Counsel, says that's "not a particularly comforting statistic if you look at the sheer amount of crude oil spilled."

Federal data show that on average over the past decade, nearly 3.5 million gallons of oil spilled from pipelines each year.

Swift says the spill in Arkansas sends a wake-up call: It's a reminder of the real risks of an aging pipeline system.


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HTC First an EE exclusive in the UK

HTC First

Facebook Home-powered phone will be exclusive to the UK's first 4G network

British mobile network EE has announced that it'll exclusively carry the new HTC First in the UK. The first handset to run the new Facebook Home suite out of the box, the HTC First also packs a Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 CPU, a 4.3-inch screen and 4G LTE connectivity.

No UK pricing or release date has been offered yet, but with the phone launching on Apr. 12 in the U.S. we'd imagine it'll be hitting British shores sooner rather than later.

More: HTC First forums

Source: EE on Twitter



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NRA study suggests trained, armed school staffers

National School Shield Task Force Director, former Arkansas Rep. Asa Hutchinson gestures during a news conference at National Press Club in Washington, Tuesday, April 2, 2013, to discuss his groups's school-guns study. The National Rifle Association's study recommends schools across the nation each train and arm at least one staff member. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

National School Shield Task Force Director, former Arkansas Rep. Asa Hutchinson gestures during a news conference at National Press Club in Washington, Tuesday, April 2, 2013, to discuss his groups's school-guns study. The National Rifle Association's study recommends schools across the nation each train and arm at least one staff member. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

Mark Mattioli the father of a child killed during the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, gestures during a news conference at the National Press Club in Washington, Tuesday, April 2, 2013, where he talked about the National School Shield Task Force program. The National School Shield program is a frame work to arm security guards in any school system who want to be part of the program. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

National School Shield Task Force Director, former Arkansas Rep. Asa Hutchinson, holds a copy of group's study during a news conference at National Press Club in Washington, Tuesday, April 2, 2013. The National Rifle Association's study recommends schools across the nation each train and arm at least one staff member. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

(AP) ? The Senate gun control debate on the near horizon, a National Rifle Association-sponsored report on Tuesday proposed a program for schools to train selected staffers as armed security officers. The former Republican congressman who headed the study suggested at least one protector with firearms for every school, saying it would speed responses to attacks.

The report's release served as the gun-rights group's answer to improving school safety after the gruesome December slayings of 20 first-graders and six adults at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school. And it showed the organization giving little ground in its fight with President Barack Obama over curbing firearms.

Obama's chief proposals include broader background checks for gun buyers and bans on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines ? both of which the NRA opposes.

The study made eight recommendations, including easing state laws that might bar a trained school staff member from carrying firearms and improving school coordination with law enforcement agencies. But drawing the most attention was its suggested 40- to 60-hour training for school employees who pass background checks to also provide armed protection while at work.

"The presence of an armed security personnel in a school adds a layer of security and diminishes the response time that is beneficial to the overall security," Asa Hutchinson, a GOP former congressman from Arkansas who directed the study, told a news conference.

Asked whether every school would be better off with an armed security officer, Hutchinson replied, "Yes," but acknowledged the decision would be made locally.

"Obviously, we believe that they make a difference," he said.

Several NRA-supplied security guards were at Tuesday's event ? unusual for an announcement at the National Press Club, a building that houses offices for many news organizations.

Hutchinson said school security could be provided by trained staff members or by school resource officers ? police officers assigned to schools that some districts already have.

The Brady Campaign, a leading gun-control group, accused the NRA of "missing the point" by ignoring the need for expanded background checks and other measures the Senate is considering.

"The American public is calling for a comprehensive solution that not only addresses tragic school shootings, but also helps prevent the thousands of senseless gun deaths each year," it said in a statement.

Dan Domenech, executive director of the American Association of School Administrators, said while a trained law enforcement officer with a gun would be valuable, his group opposes arming "a teacher or an employee who simply has taken a course and now has the ability to carry a weapon."

Also denouncing the recommendations was Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, which represents 1.5 million teachers and other workers. She called it a "cruel hoax that will fail to keep our children and schools safe" while helping only gun manufacturers.

The NRA released its report as congressional momentum seems to have stalled for any sweeping steps to curb firearms violence.

Top Senate Democrats have little hope for a proposed ban on assault weapons, and the prospects for barring large-capacity magazines also seem difficult. Key senators remain short of a bipartisan compromise on requiring gun transactions between private individuals to undergo federal background checks, which currently apply only to sales handled by licensed gun dealers. The Senate plans to begin debating gun legislation next week.

At the White House, spokesman Jay Carney said administration officials were looking for middle ground, and he emphasized background checks, widely seen by gun control advocates as the most effective step available.

"We are working with lawmakers of both parties, and trying to achieve a compromise that can make this happen. Especially when it comes to the background checks," Carney told reporters.

The spokesman commented as a White House official revealed that the president plans a trip next week to Connecticut, scene of the horrific elementary school shootings that spurred the new push for gun control legislation. Obama wants to use the trip to build pressure on Congress to pass legislation.

Obama also plans to focus on firearms curbs in a trip Wednesday to Denver, not far from last summer's mass shooting in a movie theater in Aurora, Colo.

The 225-page study cost the NRA more than $1 million, Hutchinson said. The task force included several former top officials of federal law enforcement and security agencies, including the Secret Service and Homeland Security Department.

Hutchinson acknowledged that the study omitted an earlier NRA recommendation that retired police officers and other volunteers be armed to provide school safety. He said the idea encountered "great reluctance" from school superintendents.

Hutchinson said the NRA did not interfere with his task force's work. In a written statement, the NRA said the report "will go a long way to making America's schools safer."

Hutchinson also called "totally inadequate" a gun control measure making its way through the Connecticut legislature that includes a tightening of the state's assault weapons ban. The measure wouldn't prevent an attacker with a handgun or other firearms from attacking a school, he said.

Debbie Leidlein, chairwoman of the Newtown Board of Education, said she opposed having trained staff members carry weapons in schools.

"It can become a dangerous situation to have any individuals outside of those who have police training to be carrying weapons around children," Leidlein said.

But the proposal won support from Mark Mattioli, whose 6-year-old son James was killed at Newtown and who attended the NRA news conference.

"These are recommendations for solutions, real solutions that will make our kids safer," Mattioli said.


Associated Press writers John Christoffersen in New Haven, Conn., and Carolyn Thompson in Buffalo, N.Y., contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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