Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Creative Writing Prompts to Alleviate Writer's Block ... - Mega Store

Writing creatively is a good way to communicate yourself and get in touch with fictional characters and events. Numerous people have the wish to write creatively for either fun or profit, but how can we improve at being creative? Sometimes we open up to the blank page and instantly suffer writer?s block.

The next time this happens to you, think about how much easier things would be if you had an inventory of creative writing prompts to get you through? an effective list of things that can trigger your imagination, and generate ideas when you most need them.

Imaginative writing prompts are used anywhere and anytime. They could be used repeatedly, or they might be adapted and modified to prompt new ideas. The most effective aspect of creative writing prompts is that they might be as crazy or as sensible as you like, they are just a way of opening your creative mind to more possibilities.

Take the sentence and finish it off, then go on with writing for 200 words without putting thought into it. Just write the very first things that enter your mind and see where it takes you. So, save these creative writing prompts to your desktop, or print them out and put them up at your writing desk, so you have no more excuses not to write! These are prompts which function as story starters.

1. When I bent down to pick up the money from the floor, the sound of ripping made me stop in my tracks?

2. The noise of the siren approaching was overbearing. I checked my rear vision mirror and saw?

3. The traffic jam brought me eye to eye with the man in the car next to mine, and I started to laugh when I noticed?

4. Three or four children ran towards the water without looking, so I yelled?

5. The weather forecast was clearly wrong that day. I stared up to the clouds to discover ?

6. The three inch burn mark on my arm was caused when I was a child ?

7. Once I?d turned the water off in the shower, I realised there were no towels in the bathroom?

8. Entering the dark room, I switched on my torch, but nothing happened?

9. When I?d entered the corner store that morning, in the clothes I?d worn since the day before, I never knew I?d be stuck there for 4 hours?

10. I looked up after hearing a sound above me, just to realise that was a bad idea?

11. The wind blew the hat off my head. As I turned to chase it I noticed a gray haired man had caught it ?

12. When I ?d booked to have a removalist come take my piano, I assumed they would deliver it to my new house. Little did I know ?

13. I had thought that the smell was coming from his feet. That was until I noticed?

14. Arriving home I was shocked to see that the police had surrounded my house?

15. Driving in the dark I barely saw the dog that jumped out in front of my car?

If you?d like more information about Alleviating Writers Block , or Creative Writing visit This article, Creative Writing Prompts to Alleviate Writer?s Block has free reprint rights.


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