Monday, March 18, 2013

Pinterest Introduces Web Analytics, and Other Marketing Stories of ...

Pinterest Introduces Web Analytics, and Other Marketing Stories of the Week


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Email. Search engines. All those social networks. These channels and platforms are what make inbound marketing possible. Think about it. Without search engines, how would prospects find the content they?re looking for? If there were no such thing as social media, how could businesses still have scalable interactions with thousands of customers and prospects? Sometimes it blows my mind to think how far marketing has come just in the last few years -- and how those changes just keep on coming.

This week?s marketing stories cover some noteworthy changes to some of these popular marketing channels and platforms. So before you head out in search of that pot of gold this St. Patrick's Day, here?s what you should know about some key happenings in the marketing world this week.

Introducing Pinterest Web Analytics, From the Pinterest Blog

In this week?s top marketing story, Pinterest introduces a new analytics tool! In a move that sent the blogging community and social mediasphere abuzz, this social image-sharing site finally released a way for marketers to track the progress of their pins. Pinterest Web Analytics allows pinners to see which pins are getting the most clicks and repins in the context of what people are pinning beside them. Other features include an impressions and reach graph that allows you to see how many people are pinning from your website, viewing your pins, and clicking through to the content. Pretty nifty, right?

Analytics are (or should be) the bread and butter of every marketer?s strategy. After all, how can you prove the ROI of your efforts without the data to back it up? So if you?re leveraging Pinterest for marketing, this new tool is definitely worth digging into. Best of all, it?s free and available to anyone with a verified business account. Not sure what that means? We can explain in HubSpot's blog post covering the Pinterest analytics update. To explore the new features available via the official announcement, visit the Pinterest blog.

Free Ebook: How to Optimize and Measure Your Pinterest Business Account for Marketing Success

Okay, so Pinterest has a new tool to measure analytics. But how can you tell if you're analyzing that data correctly to improve you marketing strategy??Never fear, fellow marketer. We've got you covered with our new ebook,?How to Optimize and Measure Your Pinterest Business Account for Marketing Success. Inside, you?ll find everything you need to know to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of your Pinterest marketing strategy and campaigns.?Download it for free here.

The New Twitter Ads Center, From the Twitter Advertising Blog

Pinterest isn?t the only social network out with an update this week. On its blog, Twitter recently announced it's revamping its Twitter Ads center. What does that mean for marketers, you wonder? More analytics! Twitter boasts new campaign analytics to report on both paid and earned engagements for promoted campaigns. Bonus features include an ability to segment data by device and interests-- all in an effort to help marketers get a fuller picture of where and how these ads are resonating.

What makes this update especially exciting is its emphasis on enabling you to better understand your audience. By reporting on who organically interacts with paid content as well as users? device activity and interests, Twitter Ads can help marketers paint a better picture of their buyer personas.?To read more about Twitter?s new Ads Center, head on over to the Twitter Advertising Blog.

Mashable Unveils New Native ?Social Lift? Ad Unit, From AdWeek

Speaking of social advertising, if you were one of the many people in Austin, Texas this week for SXSW, you may have already heard about Mashable?s new announcement. But for those of us not donning cowboy boots this week, here?s the scoop. Mashable unveiled a new native advertising unit called Social Lift. This functionality will allow brands to showcase social updates that have a similar feel to organic Mashable content. Mashable will be test-driving its new concept with Friskies' ?Grumpy Cat? ad campaign because, after all, there is no more tried and true success formula for the internet than ?just add cats.? While Mashable?s Social Lift isn?t especially different in concept than other native advertising campaigns, it is worth watching for its integration with Vine, the first social platform the publication will include.

Ann Handley and CC Chapman, authors of the book?Content Rules, have long proclaimed that marketers should think like publishers, but now, we?re beginning to see publications think like marketers to diversify revenue streams. Between the rise of native advertising and Forbes? contributor network, publishers are experimenting with ways to monetize content, which, as inbound marketers, is common ground worth paying attention to. Read the full story on Mashable?s Social Lift on AdWeek.

Google Study Says Mobile Searchers Act Quickly, With 55% of Conversions Within the First Hour, From TechCrunch

Data giants Google and Nielsen teamed up to release a study on mobile searches and the actions users take after completing that search on their mobile device. The biggest takeaway??The majority (55%) of conversions from mobile searches take place within the first hour of the search. Google Product Marketing Manager Ben Chung attributes this immediacy effect to the fact that people who use mobile to search are ?closer to the crucial decision moments? leading up to conversion and are ready to act immediately. In fact, the study found that 45% of mobile searches are conducted to help make a decision. Even more exciting? That number jumps to two-thirds when people are in-store.

You know what that means -- time to polish up your mobile CTAs and landing pages! Since mobile searchers are more prone to visit your site in ?decision mode,? it's critical to layout a crystal clear conversion path for them to take once they arrive on your site. That means that not only do your website's primary pages need to be viewable and actionable from a mobile device, but so do your landing pages and CTAs. And if you really want to be a mobile rock star (which we know you do), include mobile-specific CTAs such as ?call now? to put the cherry on top of your users' experience. Sound like a lot of work for your IT department? It doesn?t have to be! If you're a HubSpot customer, our Landing Pages tool optimizes all landing pages for mobile automatically.

Want to learn more? Get the skinny on Google?s mobile search study on TechCrunch here.

That just about wraps up this week?s marketing stories. What updates are you particularly excited about? Got any predictions of what these changes will bring? Let us know in the comment section!

Image Credit: mkhmarketing


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